Section III. Of the Family of the King. Article i. The heir presumptive shall bear the name of the PrinceRoyal. He can not go beyond the borders of France without a decreeof the Legislative Body and the consent of the King. If he is absent, and if, having arrived at the age of eighteen years, he does not returnto France after having been required to do so by a proclamation of theLegislative Body, he is adjudged to hav« abdicated his right of succession to the throne. Art. 2. If the heir presumptive is a minor, the relative being offull age, and having the first right to be called to the regency, shallreside in the kingdom. In the event of his being absent, and he shouldnot return upon the requisition of the Legislative Body, he shah beadjudged to have abdicated his right to the regency. Art. 3. The mother of the King who is a minor, and being hisguardian, or the elected guardian, and if she leaves the kingdom, sheforfeits the guardianship. If the mother of the heir presumptive whois a minor, goes beyond the kingdom, she can, even after her return, have the guardianship of her minor son, who has become King, onlyby a decree of the Legislative Body. Art. 4. It shall pass a law regulating the education of the Kingand the heir presumptive, who are minors. Art. 5. The members of the family of the King called by contingentsuccession to the throne enjoy the rights of active citizens; but theyare not eligible to any office, function, or employment in the gift of the people. With the exception of the ministerial departments, theyare eligible to office and employment on the nomination of the King; nevertheless, they can not command in chief any land or sea force, norfill the position of ambassador, without the consent of the LegislativeBody, accorded on the proposition of the King. Art. 6. The members of the family of the King called by contingentsuccession to the throne shall have added the denomination of FrenchPrince to the name that shall have been given to them by the civil actauthenticating their birth, and this name shall be neither patronymicnor based upon any of the qualifications abolished by the present Constitution. The denomination of Prince can not be given to any otherindividual, and shall carry neither privilege nor any exception to thecommon rights of all Frenchmen. Art. 7. The acts which shall legally authenticate the births, mar
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