delegated to him, would be disturbed or hindered; attempts againstthe rights of the people; revolts against the executions of judgmentsand against all executory acts emanating from the constituted powers. Art. 27. The Minister of Justice shall inform the Tribunal of Cassation, through the commissioner of the King, and without prejudiceto the rights of the interested parties, the acts by which the judgesshall have exceeded the limits of their power. The Tribunal shall annul these acts, and if they call for forfeiture, the fact shall be laid before the Legislative Body, which shall pass adecree of indictment, if there be cause, and shall send the accusedbefore the National High Court. Title IV. Of the Public Forces. Article i. The public force is established to protect the Stateagainst foreign enemies, and to secure in the interior the maintenanceof order and the execution of the laws. Art. 2. It is composed of the land and marine forces, of the troopsspecially designated for home service, drawn from the active citizensand their sons who are able to bear arms, and registered on the roll of the National Guard. Art. 3. The National Guards neither form a military body nor anestablishment of the State; they are the citizens themselves, called intothe service of the public force. Art. 4. Citizens can neither form themselves nor act as NationalGuards, except by virtue of a requisition, or of a legal authorization. Art. 5. They submit in this regard to an organization determinedby the law; there can be but one discipline and uniform throughout thekingdom. Order of rank and subordination take place only in regardto the service, and during the same. Art. 6. The officers are elected at stated times, and can only bereelected after an interval of service as soldiers. No one can command the National Guard for a greater territory than a district. Art. 7. Every part of the public forces employed for the safety of the State against foreign enemies shall act under orders of the King. Art. 8. No corps or detachment of the troops of the line shalloperate in the interior of the kingdom without a legal requisition. Art. 9. No agent of the public forces can enter the house of acitizen, unless it is for the execution of a police or judicial mandate, orin cases formally provided for by law.
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