Art. io. The requisition of the public force in the interior of thekingdom belongs to the civic officers, following the rules determinedby the legislative power. Art. ii. If troubles agitate the whole of a department, the Kingshall give, under the responsibility of his ministers, the necessary ordersfor the execution of the laws, and for the reestablishment of order, buton condition that he inform the Legislative Body of his action, and toconvoke it if it has adjourned. Art i». The public forces shall always obey orders. No armedbody can deliberate. Art. 13. The land and marine forces and the troops intended for thesafety of the interior are subject to special laws, either for the maintenance of discipline or the form of sentences and nature of punishments in all military crimes. Title V. Of Public Taxation. Article I. The public taxes shall, every year, be considered andestablished by the Legislative Body, and can not exist longer than thelast day of the following session, unless they are expressly renewed bythe same. Art. 2. Under no pretext may the necessary funds for the discharge of the national debt or the payment of the civil list either berefused or suspended. The stipend of the ministers of the Catholicworship pensioned, maintained, elected, or nominated by virtue of thedecrees of the National Constituent Assembly forms part of thenational debt. The Legislative Body can, in no case, charge the nation with thedebts of any individual. Art. 3. The detailed accounts of the expenses of the ministerialdepartments, signed and certified by the ministers or the generalorderers, shall be made public in a printed statement at the commencement of the sessions of each legislature. The same rule applies tothe accounts of the income of the different taxes, and of all publicrevenues. The accounts of these expenditures and receipts shall bestated separately, according to their nature, and shall express the sumsreceived and expended, year by year, in each district. The specialexpenses of each department relating to the tribunals, to the administrative body, and other establishments, shall equally be made public. Art. 4. The departmental administrators and subadministrators
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