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Constitutional History of France.

shall be submitted to the same forms as the legislative acts, but thedecrees by which they shall emit their request shall not be subject tothe sanction of the King. Akt. 5. The fourth legislature, augmented by 249 members electedin each department, by doubling the ordinary members which arefurnished according to population, shall form the Assembly ofRevision. These 249 members shall be elected after the nomination of therepresentatives to the Legislative l!ody shall have been terminated, and separate minutes of the same shall be made. The Assembly of Revision shall only be composed of one chamber. Art. 6. The members of the third legislature who shall haverequested amendments shall not be elected to the Assembly ofRevision. Art. 7. The members of the Assembly of Revision, after havingpronounced the oath together to live as freemen or to die, shall thentake an oath, individually, to limit themselves to the objects whichshall have been submitted to them by the uniform request of threepreceding legislatures, to maintain, moreover, with all their power, the Constitution of the kingdom decreed by the National ConstituentAssembly in the years 1789, 1790, and 1791, and to be in all respectsfaithful to the nation, to the law, and to the King. Art. 8. The members of the Assembly of Revision shall then, without delay, be compelled to occupy themselves with the objects whichshall have been submitted to them; as soon as their labors shall haveterminated, the additional 249 members shall retire, without takingany part in the regular legislation. Title VIII. Various Provisions. Article i. The French colonies and possessions in Asia, Africa, and America, although they formed part of the French empire, arenot comprised within the present Constitution. Art. 2. No power instituted by the Constitution has the right toamend it in whole or in part, except the reforms to be made by way ofrevision, and conformably to the provisions of the above title. Art. 3. The National Constituent Assembly intrusts itself to thesafekeeping and to the fidelity of the Legislative Body, to the King, and to the judges, to the watchfulness of fathers of families, to the