shall not create any public tax, nor make any assessment beyond thetime and the sums fixed by the Legislative Body, nor consider nor permit, without being authorized by it, any local loan to be a chargeupon the citizens of the department. Art. 5. The executive power directs and superintends the collectionand the disbursement of taxes and gives all necessary orders to thateffect. Title VI. Of the Relations of the French Nation with Foreign Nations. The French nation disclaims all wars conducted for conquest, andwill never employ its forces against the liberty of any people. The Constitution does not admit the right of escheat. Foreigners, settled or not, in France, inherit from their kin, whetherthey be foreigners or native born. They may enter into contracts, buy and take estates situate inFrance, and dispose of them like French citizens, in any mannerallowed by law. Foreigners in France shall submit, in the same manner, to thecriminal and police laws, as French citizens, subject, however, to thetreaties with foreign powers; their persons, their estates, their industries, their worship, are equally protected by the law. Title VII. Of the Revision of the Constitutional Acts. Article i. The National Constituent Assembly declares that thenation has the inalienable right to amend its Constitution, and considering that the national interest is better served by making use of themeans provided for in the Constitution itself, of the right to reformsuch articles which experience shall show the expediency of, decreesthe formation of an Assembly of Revision, in the following manner:Art. 2. When three consecutive legislatures shall have issued arequest for an amendment of a constitutional article, the revisiondemanded shall then take place. Art. 3. The next legislature, or the one following it, can not propose any reform to a constitutional article. Art. 4. Of the three legislatures, which shall be able, one afteranother, to propose certain amendments, the two first shall only occupythemselves with this object during the last two months of their lastsession, and the third at the end of its first annual session, or at thecommencement of the second. Their deliberations upon this matter
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