Chapter VIII
Rights of Native People
Article 119: The State recognizes the existence of native peoples
and communities, their social, political and economic organization,
their cultures, practices and customs, languages and religions, as well
as their habitat and original rights to the lands they ancestrally and traditionally occupy, and which are necessary to develop and guarantee
their way of life. It shall be the responsibility of the National
Executive, with the participation of the native peoples, to demarcate
and guarantee the right to collective ownership of their lands, which
shall be inalienable, not subject to the law of limitations or distrait,
and nontransferable, in accordance with this Constitution and the law.
Article 120: Exploitation by the State of the natural resources in
native habitats shall be carried out without harming the cultural, social
and economic integrity of such habitats, and likewise subject to prior
information and consultation with the native communities concerned.
Profits from such exploitation by the native peoples are subject to the
Constitution and the law.
Article 121: Native peoples have the right to maintain and develop their ethnical and cultural entity, world view, values, spirituality
and holy places and places of cult. The State shall promote the appreciation and dissemination of the cultural manifestations of the native
peoples, who have the right to their own education, and an education
system of an intercultural and bilingual nature, taking into account
their special social and cultural characteristics, values and traditions.
Article 122: Native peoples have the right to a full health system
that takes into consideration their practices and cultures. The State
shall recognize their traditional medicine and supplementary forms of
therapy, subject to principles of bioethics.