W. Otto Emerson | President |
Ernest Adams | Vice President |
C. Barlow | Secretary |
D. A. Cohen | Treasurer |
A. I. McCormick | President |
F. S. Daggett | Vice President |
Howard Robertson | Secretary |
H. S. Swarth | Treasurer |
Official Minutes of the Southern Division.
The Division met at the residence of H. J. Leland in Los Angeles October 7. Mr. H. Rising was elected to membership. The resignation of H. A. Young of Pasadena was accepted, and the name of Harold Gay of Crafton was proposed for active membership. A paper entitled "Notes On a Trip to the West Fork" by H. J. Leland was read. Mr. Daggett read a few extracts from a letter received from Mr. Joseph Grinnell now at Kotzebue Sound. Preparations were made for an Outing Meeting at Mt. Wilson October 29-30. Adjourned.
The Annual Outing meeting of the Southern Division was held at Mt. Wilson October 29, V. W. Owen being elected chairman pro tem. Mr. Harold Gay of Crafton was elected to active membership in the Club. Mr. O. W. Howard made a few remarks regarding the game laws of California pertaining to the Dove and Mountain Quail, and suggested that resolutions be adopted and sent to the proper authorities requesting that the season be shortened. It was decided to lay the matter over until the next meeting. Adjourned.
The November meeting was held at the residence of F. S. Daggett in Pasadena Nov. 26, President McCormick in the chair, and eight members present. The Secretary was instructed to enquire into the rumor of the death of J. Maurice Hatch, a fellow member.
The subject of a Bulletin was discussed in its entirety and upon motion of Mr. Daggett a Committee of Three consisting of Messrs. McCormick, Leland and Robertson was appointed to draft a set of resolutions embodying the sense of the Club in this regard. The meeting adjourned to meet in December when the annual banquet will be held.
The Annual meeting was held in Los Angeles Dec. 29 with President McCormick in the chair, and seven members present. The treasurer's report showed $10.41 on hand. A letter from Mr. E. J. Hatch of Escondido was read announcing the death of his son, J. Maurice Hatch, a club member, on May 1, 1898, and the secretary was instructed to draft resolutions of respect. The name of W. E. Tyler of Los Angeles was proposed for membership. Officers for were elected as follows: President, A. I. McCormick; Vice-President, F. S. Daggett; Secretary, Howard Robertson; Treasurer, H. S. Swarth. A banquet was served and the following papers were read: Secretary's Annual Report, Howard Robertson; Notes on the Nesting of the Western Flycatcher, H. J. Leland; Summer Resident Warblers of Arizona, O. W. Howard, and four papers from the Northern Division.
Official Minutes of the Northern Division.
The Annual Fall Meeting was held at the home of C. Barlow in San Jose Saturday evening September 3. Fifteen members were present with Dr. F. L. Cauch as a visitor. W. H. Armitage of Alameda and Claude Fyfe of San Francisco were dropped from the Club for long-standing delinquency. The Southern Division report of July 30 was read and filed.
Henry B. Kaeding recorded the taking of an adult male Arctic Three-toed Woodpecker at Taylorsville, Plumas Co. which marks the extreme southern limit of its known habitat. The following papers were read: "A Few Notes on the Birds of Shasta Co." by Ralph Arnold; "Nesting of the Hermit Warbler" by C. Barlow; "Nesting and Other Habits of the Oregon Towhee" by D. A. Cohen; "Observations on the Anna's Hummingbird" by W. O. Emerson; "Some Summer Birds of Santa Cruz County" by H. B. Kaeding; "Just Freaks" by H. R. Taylor; "Nesting of the Water Ouzel" by John M. Willard. Mr. R. S. Wheeler entertained the members with a descriptive talk of a trip to Pyramid Lake, Nevada, after which