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Bulletin of the Cooper Ornithological Club

the meeting adjourned.


The Division met at the residence of Wm. R. Flint in Oakland with sixteen members present. The name of Theodore J. Hoover of Stanford University was proposed for membership. Nominations for the offices of President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer of the Northern Division for 1899 were made, the election to take place at the January meeting.

The Secretary reported the death of Mr. W. S. Cobleigh, a club member, at Dawson City on September 14, whither he had gone in the fall of 1897. Resolutions were adopted in his memory and will be found in another column. A vote of thanks was extended the Michigan Ornithological Club for a file of its Bulletin. Publishing propositions from the Osprey and Michigan Ornithological Club were declined. Mr. Jno. W. Daniel's proposed magazine was named as temporary official organ.

A discussion followed concerning the Club printing its own Bulletin, the Secretary being instructed to prepare and mail a general circular to all members. A special meeting for the purpose of further considering the matter was called for December 3. The Southern Division report of October 7 was read and filed.

Papers were read as follows: "Some of the Birds of Santa Cruz County" by W. O. Emerson; "Suggestions for Individual Work" by R. C. McGregor.



A Special meeting was held December 3, at the residence of W. O. Emerson at Haywards to consider the matter of the Club issuing a Bulletin, the same to serve as sole official organ. A Committee consisting of C. Barlow, W. O. Emerson, D. A. Cohen and John M. Willard was named to draft complete resolutions and plans for publishing a bi-monthly bulletin. A report from the Southern Division Committee was read and embodied in the resolutions. The resolutions as adopted provide for a 16-page bi-monthly bulletin, the Board of Managers to consist of an Editor-in-Chief, one Assistant and a Business Manager from the Northern Division and one Assistant Editor and Business Manager from the Southern Division. The adopted resolutions are ordered submitted to the Southern Division for endorsement. The bid for printing was awarded to C. A. Nace of Santa Clara.


The annual meeting was held at San Jose, January 7. Theodore J. Hoover was elected to membership. Officers for were elected as follows: President, W. Otto Emerson; Vice-President, Ernest Adams; Secretary, C. Barlow; Treasurer, D. A. Cohen. Two Southern Division reports were read and bills for $7.15 ordered paid. Resolutions establishing the Bulletin were passed. Papers were read: Nesting of the Fulvous Tree Duck, A. M. Shields: Nesting of the Santa Cruz Jay, R. H. Beck; A Day With the Raptores, Ernest Adams; and one paper from the Southern Division. The March meeting will be held at Alameda.


Protective Coloration.

At the time of my visit to San Jose del Cabo, Lower California, May 1, nearly all of the plants were in foliage. There are two shrubs, however, Erythrina corallodendron and Fonquieria spinosa, whose red flowers come out before the leaves. The resemblance of these flowers to a red bird was marked and several times I started, from a distance of seventy-five or one hundred yards, to carefully approach a bunch of scarlet flowers in hopes of destroying a Cardinalis or Pyrrhuloxia. I also made the error of taking blossoms for birds and believe this instance of protective coloration is worth bringing to notice, though I am unsettled as to which is protected. R. C. McGregor, U. S. Fish Hatchery, Battle Creek, Cal.


At the recent Congress of the A. O. U. in Washington, D.C., the song of the Brown Thrasher was reproduced through the graphophone. Mr. Barlow is in receipt of several graphopnone records from Lieut. Jno. W. Daniel Jr., of Lynchburg, Va., which were made by Lieut. Daniel in Washington, and which quote some interesting portions of the A. O. U. programme and other matters of ornithological interest. These were reproduced at the meeting of the Northern Division of the Cooper Club, January 7.