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written by

The Rev. Mr. William Barlas,

late minister of the gospel of the anti-burgher congregation, whitehill, parish of new deer,


Jean Walker,Whitehill, May 12. 1798.

IT is no easy matter to act properly in the hour and power of temptation. I have often hesitated with myself about the propriety of writing to such a person as you. We are commanded to do good to our enemies, and pray for them that despitefully use us; but, by the fame authority, we are forbid to cast pearls before swine. While the first is very difficult, it is often attended with happy effects; the last, is easy, but improper and hurtful. After much thought, I have resolved to write you a few lines, and leave the effects with the Lord—When you left Whitehill, I enjoyed the necessaries and conveniences of life, and a house which I could call my own: you have deprived me of them all, and reduced me, that I have no where to lay my head. When you went away, I was engaged in the work of the ministry, to which I had devoted myself from my youth; but at your instance, I am deposed from that office. If I am not mistaken, preaching Christ was dearer to me than life itself; but owing to you entirely, my mouth was shut, and hath never been opened again; so that, instead of proclaiming the great salvation, I must be silent, at your sole instance. You have done all you could to ruin the Congregation of Whitehill, which, to all appearance, was in a very flourishing situation, an individual or two excepted,—such as Wm. Davidson and John Spence. The people here were

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