Page:Copy of a letter, written by the Rev. Mr. William Barlas.pdf/2

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happy in a minister whom they loved dearly; but, aided by Mr. Mitchell and your lawyer, with inconceivable violence you have torn their minister from them; you have given the Lord's interest such a stroke, as it will not recover in this generation; you have caused many a silent Sabbath, and made many a borrowful heart; the dreadful effects of your blow are innumerable. Much have I said and thought about the direful ways and depravity, and desperate wickedness of the human heart,—but your wickedness, by many degrees exceeds all the ideas I had ever formed of it. While here, you was with child, and denied it most bitterly, you pretended a dropsy; you constantly dealt with doctors openly, and, as I am informed, lately secretly bought drugs from J. B. to procure abortion. You was often prayed for in the family, as a very distressed person in it; when in travail, you affected to be dying, and sent for me to pray with you: I tried to commend you to God, as one in the agonies of death. You may sport with death, but it will not sport with you. How can you think of mocking that God, to whom those prayers were addressed! Whatever you may think, it is my opinion, and the opinion of very many, that you are guilty of the wilful murder of your own child, and have brought blood upon your head. The ſoul of the youngest, is of equal value in the sight of the Father of spirits as the oldest: What if your child perished eternally, through your not letting it live to hear of the great salvation? Awful thought! To my certain knowledge, you have brought their death on many, through inexpressible sorrow and anguish of heart: in my opinion, your conduct to me is worse than if you had cut my throat, or employed some of your relations, whom you heard so often call me damned rascal, to shoot me. Whatever you may say you well know, and will know to your cost, that I am as innocent of your charge as any man in the world