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Rhine Foot, from whence they have ſent, and are ſending many more into various parts of the World; and the Accounts, which their Doctor and honoured Paſtor ſends me of their paſt Succeſs and future Scheme, are as follow. He tells me, that he is intending a Journey into Switzerland, which (as I am informed in a Letter from the pious Mr. Thorold) he has ſince performed, and I am ready to imagine, he is ſtill there. He tells me, that Bern, Baſil, Stein, Malhauſen, and Scaffhauſen, have all of them received the Goſpel in its Power and Purity, from the Moravian Brethren, who, wherever they come, are attempting a Work of Reformation, and a Revival of Religion amongſt Proteſtants as well as Papiſts. And indeed the languide State of many of the Foreign Churches ſeems greatly to need ſuch Attempts. The Count adds, That Geneva itſelf is impreſt with their Labours ; tho' he ſays, it has been for a long Time ſo taken up with Philoſophy, as hardly to be able to bear the Reproach of the Croſs: He adds, that the Churches in Ecthonia and Swenia flouriſh; and that the barbarous Inhabitants of that Province do even pant after Chriſt. Greenland reſounds with the Goſpel, and ſeveral of the idolatrous Inhabitants are baptized. But the Count adds, that he cannot approve of the Methods taken by ſome of their Brethren there, who ſeem to be ſo intent on ſpreading Philoſophical Knowledge there, that he fears, the Goſpel of Chriſt ſuffers ſome Detriment by it. The moſt ſurpriſing Article of all is, that their Miſſionaries to the Cape of good Hope meet with ſome Encouragement, and that thirty Hottontots have given up their Names to Chriſt, and no leſs than a thouſand Negroes inthe