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the Iſland of St.Thomas, who have been well inſtructed into that Religion, into which they were baptiſed, and have embraced it as a Matter of free and reaſonable Choice. Their Miſſionaries to Georgia, Carolina, Penſilvania, the Coaſt of Barbary in Africa, and that of Surinam in the Weſt Indies, are as yet expecting the Fruit of their Labours. And Fifteen, who are now at Virginia, having, for ſome Time, employed themſelves in learning the various Languages of the Indian Nations, are preparing to let out on a Progreſs amungſt them, for the bleſſed Purpoſe of carrying the News of Salvation to them. There are ſome at Ceylon in the Eaſt-Indies; but the Count had received no Letter from them, when he wrote to me. He tells me alſo, That Lapland, Muſcovy, Wallachia, and Conſtantinople, are all viſited by ſome of the Brethren, who preach among them, (ſo far as I can learn). without Reſtraint, but, with what Succeſs he does not mention, excepting. only, that, by their Means, an hundred Turkiſh Priſoners (taken, I ſuppofe, by the Ruſſians in the late War) have embraced Chriſtianity. The only News that he had lately received from Genoa was, That a converted Negroe, living there, was endeavouring to erect Schools in the neighbouring Parts, with a view to the Propagation of Chriſtian Knowledge. The Brethren, who were ſent to preach in the Northern Parts of Poland, have been for ſome Time confined there, but are now returned again, and are very ſollicitous to find out ſome Way to proſecute that good Work, which has been interrupted by the Perſecution of their Enemies. The Count informed me, that they intend quickly to viſit other Parts of the Eaſt Indies, the Savages of New-York, and the Magi