Page:Copyright Office Compendium 3rd Edition - Full.djvu/133

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Compendium: Chapter 600

Examination Practices

601 What This Chapter Covers 16
602 General U.S. Copyright Office Examination Practices 16
602.1 Completion of the Application 17
602.2 Statutorily Required Information in the Application 17
602.3 Requirements for Registration of a Basic Claim 17
602.4 General Standards for Examination of an Application 18
602.4(A) The Examination Process 18
602.4(B) Scope of the Examination 18
602.4(C) No Searches or Comparison of Works 19
602.4(D) Factual Determinations and Administrative Notice 19
602.5 General Practices for Processing Information Provided in a Paper Application 19
602.6 General Policy Regarding Location of Information 19
602.7 General Practices Regarding Missing Information 20
602.8 General Policy Regarding Extraneous Information 21
602.9 General Policy Regarding Social Security Numbers, Driver's License Numbers, Credit Card Numbers, and Bank Account Numbers 21
602.10 General Practices Regarding Cataloging Information 22
603 Variances 22
603.1 Immaterial Variances 22
603.2 Material Variances Resolvable on Review of the Registration Materials as a Whole 23
603.2(A) Material Variances That May Be Resolved by Amending the Registration Record without Annotating or Communicating with the Applicant 23
603.2(B) Material Variances That May Be Resolved by Amending and Annotating the Registration Record without Communicating with the Applicant 24
603.2(C) Material Variances Requiring Communication with the Applicant 24
604 Annotations 25
604.1 Addressing Variances in the Registration Materials 25
604.2 Adding Comments to the Registration Record 26

Chapter 600 : 1