Page:Copyright Office Compendium 3rd Edition - Full.djvu/134

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Compendium of U.S. Copyright Office Practices, Third Edition

604.3 Adding Missing Information to the Registration Record 26
604.4 Documenting Communications with the Applicant 26
604.5 Placement of the Annotation 27
604.6 Annotations Are Part of the Registration Record 27
605 Communications Between the Applicant and the Registration Specialist 27
605.1 General Policies 27
605.2 Communicating with the U.S. Copyright Office 28
605.2(A) Note to Copyright Office 28
605.2(B) Cover Letters 28
605.2(C) Calling or Emailing the U.S. Copyright Office 29
605.3 Communications from the U.S. Copyright Office 29
605.3(A) When the U.S. Copyright Office Will Communicate with the Applicant 30
605.3(B) Records Concerning U.S. Copyright Office Communications 30
605.3(C) Communication from the U.S. Copyright Office May Address Multiple Issues 30
605.3(D) Oral Communications 31
605.3(E) Written Communications 31
605.4 Case Numbers, Service Request Numbers, THREAD-ID Numbers, and Correspondence Identification Numbers 32
605.5 Applicant’s Internal Tracking Number 32
605.6 Deadlines for Responding to Communications from the U.S. Copyright Office 33
605.6(A) Oral Communications 33
605.6(B) Email 33
605.6(C) Email Requests for Deposit Copy(ies) 33
605.6(D) Letters 34
605.7 Application Closed Following a Failure to Respond to the U.S. Copyright Office 34
605.8 Procedure for Reopening a Closed Application 34
606 Warnings 35
607 Registration Made Under the Rule of Doubt 35
608 Refusal to Register 36
609 Identifying the Work That the Applicant Intends to Register 37
609.1 Registration Process Overview 37
609.1(A) Question 1: Are You Registering One Work? 38

Chapter 600 : 2