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Page:Court-hand restored (IA courthandresto00wrig).djvu/177

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Sikettus See Sichetum.
Silentiarius A privy councillor; an usher.
Siminellitus Simnell bread, the best white bread, or cake.
Simonia Simony, traffic in spiritual things.
Situare To be situate.
Situs Site.
Skarkalla An engine for catching fish.
Skerda A scar.
Slippa A stirrup.
Smakka, or Suacca A smack, a boat.
Soca The jurisdiction of a lord; the liberty of tenants excused from customary impositions.
Socagium Socage, a tenure inferior to tenure by knight-service.
Socmannus Tenant by socage.
Soinus Essoin.
Solarium An upper room.
Soldarius A soldier.
Soldum Pay.
Soldus, or Solidus A shilling; a son.
Solicitator A solicitor.
Solidarius Serving for pay; a soldier.
Solidata A shilling's worth.
Solidatum Property.
Solidus A shilling; a son.
Solinus A measure of land, about 160 acres.
Sorus See Saurus.
Sourellus Fallow buck of three years old, a sorel.
Spada A sword.
Spatularia Apparels round the neck and wrists of an alb.
Specialitas A bond or deed
Species Spices.
Speleum A cell.
Speruarius A sparrow-hawk.
Spigurnellus The sealer of the king's writs.
Spinacium A pinuace.
Spindula, Spinula A gold pin used with the archiepiscopal pall.
Spiritualia The profits which a bishop receives as an ecclesiastic, or as a lord.
Spiritualitas The clergy.
Spurarium aureum A gold coin called a spur-royal.
Stabilamentum A stand for shooting deer.
Stadium A furlong; a floor.
Stafa A stirrup.
Stagiarius Canon in residence.
Stagmen Tin.
Stalla Stall.
Stallagium. Right of erecting a stall and payment fer it.