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Page:Court-hand restored (IA courthandresto00wrig).djvu/178

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Stallarius Master of the Horse; keeper of a stall in a market.
Stallum Stall.
Standardum Banner: legal weight and measure.
Stannaria Tin mines.
Stannarius Pewterer, tinman.
Stannum. Tin.
Stapula A market or staple.
Starrum A Jew's deed or bond.
Stationarius A canon in residence.
Statutum A statute.
Stauramentum The stock of a farm.
Staurus Stock; store.
The Star Chanber. Stellata Camera.
Stica A brass Saxon coin, worth half a farthing; a stick of eels, i.e. 25.
Stipula Stubble.
Stiremannus Steersman.
Stoffura Equipment; provisions.
Stola A stole.
Stolium A fleet or army.
Stotarius A keeper of horses or oxen.
Stottus A horse or an ox.
Stragulator Embroiderer
Straiatus Strayed.
Straminare To strew with straw.
Strata A street.
Strepitus Destruction; estrepement.
Strublus A staff; a goad.
Stubula Stubble.
Studium An university; a study (room).
Stuffa A stove; a hot bath.
Stuffura See Stoffura.
Sturemanus See Stiremannus.
Subarrare To espouse; to plough up.
Subboscus Underwood.
Subdiaconus Subdeacon.
Subjugalis A beast of burden.
Sublegerius Guilty of incest.
Submonere To summon.
Submonitio Summons.
Subumonitor Summouer.
Subnervare To hamstring, bough.
Subplacitare to cite before a court of law.
Subprior An officer of a monastery next in authority to the prior.
Subregulus Baron, lord.
Subsidium An aid, subsidy.
Suburbanus A countryman, rustic.
Suera See Sewers.