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to drynke that night alſo: And the yonger aroſe like wyſe, and laye with him: ⁊ he perceaued it not, nether when ſhe laye downe, ner when ſhe roſe vp.

Thus were both the doughters of Lot with childe by their father. And the elder bare a ſonne, and called him Moab, of whom come ye Moabytes vnto this daye. And ye yonger bare a ſonne alſo, and called him the ſonne Ammi, of whom come the children of Ammon vnto this daye.

The XX. Chapter.


AS for Abraham, he departed thence, in to the ſouth countre, and dwelt betwixte Cades and Sur, and was a ſtraunger at Gerar, and ſayde of Sara his wyfe: She is my ſiſter.[crossref 1] Then Abimelech the kinge of Gerar ſent for her, and cauſed her to be fet awaye.

But God came to Abimelech by night in a dreame, ⁊ ſayde vnto him: Beholde, thou art but a deed man, for the womans ſake which thou haſt taken, for ſhe is a mans wife. Neuertheles Abimelech had not yet touched her, and ſayde: LORDE, wilt thou ſley a righteous people? Sayde not he vnto me: ſhe is my ſiſter? Yee and ſayde not ſhe her ſelf alſo: he is my brother? With a pure hert ⁊ with innocent handes haue I done this.


And God ſayde vnto him in a dreame: I knowe that thou dyddeſt it wt a pure hert, and therfore I kepte the, that thou ſhuldeſt not ſynne agaynſt me, nether haue I ſuffred the to touch her. Now therfore delyuer the man his wife ageyne, for he is a prophet: and let him pray for ye, and thou ſhalt lyue. But and yf thou delyuer her not ageyne, be ſure, that thou ſhalt dye the death, and all that is thine.

Then Abimelech roſe vp by tymes in the mornynge, and called all his ſeruauntes, and tolde all theſe thinges in their eares, and the men were ſore afrayed, and Abimelech called Abraham, and ſayde vnto him: Wherfore haſt thou done this vnto vs? And what haue I offended ye, that thou ſhuldeſt brynge on me and on my kyngdome ſo greate a ſynne? Thou haſt not dealt with vs, as a man ſhulde deal. And Abimelech ſaide morouer vnto Abraham: What ſaweſt thou, yt thou haſt done this thinge?


Abraham ſayde: I thought: Peraduenture there is no feare of God in this place, ⁊ they ſhall ſleye me for my wifes ſake. And of a trueth ſhe is my ſiſter, for ſhe is my fathers doughter, but not my omthers doughter, and is become my wife. So whan God charged me to wādre out of my fathers houſe, I ſayde vnto her: Shew this kyndnes vpon me, that, where ſo euer we come, thou ſaye of me, that I am thy brother.[crossref 2]


Then toke Abimelech ſhepe and oxen, ſeruauntes and maydens, and gaue them vnto Abraham, and delyuered him Sara his wife agayne, and ſayde: Beholde, my londe ſtondeth open before the, dwell where it liketh the. And vnto Sara he ſayde: Beholde, I haue geuen thy brother a thouſande ſyluer pens: lo, he ſhalbe vnto the a couerynge of the eyes, for all that are with the, and euery where, and a ſure excuſe.

As for Abraham, he prayed vnto God: Then God healed Abimelech, and his wyfe, and his maydens, ſo that they bare childrē. For afore the LORDE had cloſed all the matrices of Abimelechs houſe, becauſe of Sara Abrahams wife.

The XXI. Chapter.


THe LORDE alſo vyſited Sara, acordinge [crossref 3]as he had promyſed: ⁊ dealt with her, euen as he had ſayde. And Sara was with childe, and bare Abraham a ſonne in his olde age, euen in the tyme appoynted, lyke as God had ſpoken vnto him afore. And Abraham called his ſonne which was borne vnto him(whō Sara bare him) Iſaac, and circumcided him the eight daye, [crossref 4]like as God commanded him. An hundreth yeare olde was Abrahā, whan his ſonne Iſaac was borne vnto him.

And Sara ſayde: God hath prepared a ioye for me, for who ſo euer heareth of it, wyll reioyſe with me. She ſayde morouer: Who wolde haue ſaide vnto Abraham, that Sara ſhulde geue children ſucke, and beare him a ſonne in his olde age? And the childe grew, and was weened. And Abraham made a greate feaſt, in ye daye whan Iſaac was weened.


And Sara ſawe the ſonne of Agar the Egipcian(whom ſhe had borne vnto Abraham) that he was a mocker, and ſayde vnto Abraham: Caſt out this bonde mayden and hir ſonne, for this bonde maydēs ſonne ſhall not be heyre wt my ſonne Iſaac.[crossref 5] This worde diſpleaſed Abraham ſore, becauſe of his ſonne.

Neuertheles God ſayde vnto him: let it not diſpleaſe the becauſe of the childe and the hand mayde: What ſo ever Sara hath ſayde vnto the, folowe it, for in Iſaac ſhall[crossref 6]

  1. Gen. 12. c and 26. a
  2. Gen. 12. c
  3. Gen. 18. b
    Heb. 11. c
  4. Matt. 1. a
    Ioſu. 34. a
    Gen. 17. d
  5. Iudic. 11. b
    Galat. 4. c
  6. Rom. 5. c