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the ſede be called vnto the. As for the honde maydens ſonne, I wyll make a people of him alſo, becauſe he is of thy ſede.

Then Abraham roſe vp early in the mornynge, and toke bred and a botell with water, and put it vpon Agars ſhulders, and gaue her the childe, and ſent her awaye. Then departed ſhe, and wandred out of the waye in ye wyldernes beſide Berſeba. Now whan the water in the botell was out, ſhe layed the childe vnder a buſh, and wente, and ſat hir downe ouer on ye other ſyde, a bowe ſhote of. For ſhe ſayde: I can not ſe the childe dye. And ſhe ſat hir downe ouer on ye other ſyde, and lifte vp hir voyce, and wepte.


Then God herde the voyce of the childe, and the angell of God called vnto Agar out of heauen, and ſayde vnto her: What ayleth the, Agar? Feare not, for God hath herde ye voyce of the childe, where he lyeth. Aryſe and take the childe, and holde him by the hande, for I wyll make a greate people of him.[crossref 1] And God opened hir eyes, that ſhe ſawe a well of water.

Then wente ſhe and fylled ye botell with water, and gaue ye childe drynke. And God was with the childe, which grew vp, and dwelt in ye wildernes, and became a connynge archer, and dwelt in ye wildernes of Pharan, and his mother toke him a wyfe out of the londe of Egipte.[crossref 2]

At the ſame tyme talked Abimelech and Phicol his chefe captayne with Abraham, and ſayde: God is with the in all that thou doeſt. Therfore ſweare now vnto me by God, that thou wilt not hurt me, ner my children: but that thou ſhalt ſhewe vnto me(and to the londe wherin thou art a ſtraunger) the ſame kyndneſſe that I haue done vnto the.[crossref 3]

Then ſayde Abraham: I wyll ſweare. And Abraham rebuked Abimelech for the well of water, which Abimelechs ſeruauntes had taken awaye by violence.[crossref 4] Then anſwered Abimelech: I knewe not who dyd it, nether dyddeſt thou tell me, and I haue not herde of it but this daye.


Thē toke Abraham ſhepe and Oxen, and gaue them vnto Abimelech, and they both made a bonde together. And Abraham ſet ſeuen lambes by them ſelues. Then ſayde Abimelech vnto Abrahā: What meane thoſe ſeuen lambes, which thou haſt ſet by them ſelues? He anſwered: ſeuē lambes ſhalt thou take of my hande, that they maye be wytnes vnto me, that I haue dygged this well. Therfore is the place called Berſeba becauſe they ſware there both together. And ſo they made the bonde at Berſeba.

Then roſe Abimelech and Phicol his chefe captayne, and departed agayne in to the londe of ye Philiſtynes. And Abraham planted trees at Berſeba, and called vpon the name of the LORDE ye euerlaſtinge God, and was a ſtraunger in ye londe of the Philiſtynes a longe ſeaſon.

The XXII. Chapter.


AFter theſe actes God tempted Abraham, and ſayde vnto him: Abraham. And he anſwered: I am here.[crossref 5] And he ſayde: Take yi ſonne, this onely ſonne of thyne, euē Iſaac whom thou loueſt, and go thy waye in to the londe of Moria, ⁊ offre him there for a burnt offerynge, vpon a mountayne that I ſhal ſhew the. Then Abraham ſtode vp by tymes in the mornynge, and ſadled his Aſſe, and toke with him two yonge men, and his ſonne Iſaac, and cloue wodd for the brent offerynge, gat him vp, and wente on vnto the place, wherof the LORDE had ſayde vnto him. Vpon the thirde daye Abraham lift vp his eyes, and ſawe the place a farre of, and ſayde vnto his yonge mē: Tary ye here with the Aſſe: as for me and the childe, we wyl go yonder: and whan we haue worſhipped, we wyll come to you againe. And Abrahā toke the wodd to the brent offerynge, and layed it vpon Iſaac his ſonne. As for him ſelf, he toke the fyre and a knyfe in his hande, and wente on both together.


Then ſayde Iſaac vnto his father Abraham: My father. Abraham anſwered: here I am my ſonne. And he ſayde: lo, here is fyre and wodd, but where is the ſhepe for the brent offerynge? Abraham anſwered: My ſonne, God ſhall prouyde him a ſhepe for the brent offerynge. And they wente both together.

And whan they came to the place which

    Gen. 17. c

  1. Gen. 17. c
    Eſa. 41. c
  2. Gen. 26. d
  3. Gen. 30. d
  4. Gen. 26. b
  5. Iudit. 8. d
    Eccl. 44. d
    Heb. 11. d