Page:Craig's Wife.pdf/126

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Mrs. Craig (springing to his side and seizing the telephone)

Now, listen to me, Walter Craig; you must not use that telephone. (She looks him straight in the eyes, then moves back several steps and looks at him defiantly) I will not allow you to drag my name into a notorious scandal.

Craig (whipping the receiver off and putting it to his ear)

I’ve got to find out where I’m at in this thing!

Mrs. Craig (raising her voice threateningly)

If you speak over that telephone I’ll leave this house! (He takes the receiver from his ear and looks at her steadily. There is a pause) And you know what construction ’ud be put upon that, under the circumstances.
[He slowly hangs up and sets the telephone back onto the little table, holding her eyes steadily. Then he moves slowly towards her.


What do you mean, you’ll leave this house?

Mrs. Craig (stonily)

I mean exactly what I said. Do you think I could stay in this neighborhood twenty-four hours after my name had been associated with a thing of this kind?


And haven’t you any appreciation of the necessity of my knowing what’s happening in this case?

Mrs. Craig

I have no appreciation of any necessity except the necessity of keeping still.


But supposing something developed that would reveal absolutely the fact that I had been out there last night —

Mrs. Craig

What can develop, if you keep still?