Page:Craig's Wife.pdf/127

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But, supposing something did? Wouldn’t it be very much better for me to have been open and aboveboard from the beginning, instead of having played a waiting game, and probably create an attitude of suspicion where there are no grounds for any?

Mrs. Craig

There are grounds for suspicion, Walter; don’t evade the issue.


What are they?

Mrs. Craig

The fact that you were out there last night.


That doesn’t mean a thing.

Mrs. Craig

Evidently not, to you.


Does it to you?

Mrs. Craig

What does it matter what it means to me? It isn’t for me to determine the degree of your guilt or innocence. I’m not interested.


You’re not interested!

Mrs. Craig

I’m interested only in the impression on the popular mind,—and the respect of the community we’ve got to live in.


You mean you’d rather know I was involved in this thing and keep the respect of the community, than know I was a victim of circumstances, and lose it?