Page:Craig's Wife.pdf/150

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Mrs. Craig (stepping forward to the piano and spreading the paper out eagerly)

What does it say?


His brother got in last night from Pittsburgh, with a letter that Fergus had written him, intimating his intentions.

Mrs. Craig

Then, Fergus did it himself?


So it appears.

Mrs. Craig

I always told you he was jealous of his wife.
[Craig turns and looks at her.


He did it because she was dishonest.

Mrs. Craig (reading)

I suppose this telegram here from his brother about Fergus’ letter was the additional information that that detective spoke about here last night. (She straightens up and speaks directly to Craig) He called Police Headquarters from here about seven o’clock, and then he said it wouldn’t be necessary to bother us any more for a while,—that there’d been some additional information come in on the case; so I suppose that’s what it was; for it says here the telegram was received at Police Headquarters at six forty-five.

Craig (moving with a wearied air towards the portières)

What does it matter now, Harriet?

Mrs. Craig

It doesn’t matter now, but it would have mattered—only that I kept my head last night, and didn’t allow