Page:Craig's Wife.pdf/151

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you to telephone, and make a show of us all. (He laughs bitterly) You can laugh, as much as you like; but you can thank me that your name isn’t in every paper in the city this morning.
[She resumes her reading.


Oh, I can thank you for more than that, Harriet.

Mrs. Craig

Well, you can thank me for that, anyway.


I can thank you for having given me a new name last night—that fits me so perfectly that I’ve decided to continue its use. You called me a romantic fool.

Mrs. Craig

Fergus must have known about this man that Adelaide’s been going around with; for it says here he’d mentioned him once before in a letter to his brother.
[Mrs. Harold appears between the portières.

Mrs. Harold

The coffee’s ready, Mr. Craig.

Craig (turning quietly towards the portières)

All right, Mrs. Harold.
[She withdraws, and he follows her. Mrs. Craig looks up suddenly and crosses towards him.

Mrs. Craig

Listen, Walter, come here for a minute.
[He turns.



Mrs. Craig

Listen. (She glances over his shoulder after Mrs. Harold, then lowers her voice) Billy Birkmire ’ull very likely