Page:Crazy Jane (1).pdf/4

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Which unsullied descended to me;
For my child I've preserv'd it, unblemish’d by shame
And it still from a spot shall be free.


The wealthy fool, with gold in store,
Will still desire to grow richer;
Give me but these, I ask no more,
My charming girl, my friend and pitcher,
My friend so rare my girl so fair,
With such what mortal can be richer;
Give me but these, a fig for care,
With my sweet girl, my friend and pitcher.

From morning sun I'd never grieve,
To toil, a hedger or a ditcher,
If that when l come home at eve,
I might enjoy my friend and pitcher.
My friend so rare, &c.

Tho' fortune ever shuns my door,
I know not what can thus bewitch her.
With all my heart can I be poor,
With my sweet girl, my friend and pitcher.

My friend so rare, &c.