Page:Crazy Jane (1).pdf/5

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It happened on a summer's evening,
In the merry month of May
Just as I had quit my weaving,
Through the groves I chance to stray.
And there I met with lovely Sally,
Blooming like a rose in June;
But I did not wait long time to dally,
Until I kiss'd my love by the light of the moon.

Thou fairest of the soft creation,
While I enjoy these happy hours,
Be not shy unto me, Sally,
For I have thee in my power;
Then I clasp'd her in my arms,
Like unto the flowers in bloom:
I did not wait long time to dally,
Until I kiss’d my love by the light of the moon.

Then I led her to a bed of roses,
While she cried, young man forbear,
Do not hurt me, she cry'd Johnny,
Or I will tear you by the hair
For don’t you see my cloth's a tearing,
My handsome cap and new baloon;