did not agree with the facts upon which it was based. A good theory must meet and explain all new facts within the scope of its applicability that come to light subsequent to its proposal. Since Darwin's Origin of Species was published ten times as many new facts about organic nature have been discovered as were known to Darwin. One after another new and radical discoveries that involve profound alterations in our fundamental views of life have been made, but none of them have in any way shaken our confidence in the theory of evolution. Had any new discovery in the least weakened or run counter to that theory its ever-watchful enemies would have pounced upon the discovery and exploited it to the fullest extent. But no discovery since Darwin's time has done other than strengthen and confirm the theory. The more specialized a branch of biology becomes, the more useful and necessary is the concept of evolution. Those that are most expert in the advanced and technical branches of biology are the most ardent advocates of evolution, for their data demand an evolutionary interpretation.
The evidences of evolution have been piled up year after year until their sheer mass now overwhelms all intelligent opposition. One who exposes himself open-mindedly to the evidences can no longer believe in a static world inhabited by fixed and unchanging species.
If evolution were a false doctrine, it should be easy to refute it by bringing forward facts that would contradict it. From time to time facts or alleged facts supposed to conflict with the principle of evolution have been brought forward by those who sought to overthrow it. Invariably, however, a more exhaustive study by trained scientists has shown that not only are the facts cited not contrary to evolution, but that they tend strongly to confirm it. To-day no adequately
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