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ſuffer; evil inſtruments, not only to make an interruption, but to make a corruption, ſo to ſpeak, and to mingle theſe with the purity of his ordinances and worſhip. God raiſes up ill instruments, to make the people lick up the vomit of theſe corruptions, which have been formerly caſt out. There had been a bleſſed reformation in the days of Hezekiah, and all corruption cast out, but all that corruption is brought in again in the days of Manaſſeh, and more and worſe than ever had been before.

3d Way. A third way is, by deſtruction, ſo to ſpeak; not only when the work of reformation is interrupted, and corrupted, but when it is deſtroyed and taken away. There is in the days of Zedekiah, a total deſtroying of the temple, and all the work.

4th Way. A fourth way is, by perſecution to theſe that cleave to the truth and work of God. Thus it was in the days of the apoſtles, Acts v. They fall on the miniſters of the Lord’s houſe, and ſlay ſome of them with the ſword, and put others in priſon; ſo that they could not preach the word in Jeruſalem. Some one, or all of theſe ways, the Lord ſets on foot ſuch diſpenſations.

1ſt Uſe. We would now ſpeak ſomewhat of the uſe we would make of it. And, firſt, It ſays this to us, that we of this church and nation would be looking for a ſtorm: the Lord hath been graciouſly pleaſed to make glorious diſcoveries of his power and mercy in his word and works amongſt us, now theſe many years, and even on that account, we would be looking for a ſtorm: And we ſhall give you theſe few reaſons wherefore we would look for it.

1ſt Reaſon. Becauſe, as I told you, it is ordinary with God in his diſpenſations to his people, to knit theſe two together, with great manifeſtations of his mercy, to bring troubles, tempeſts, and trials, as ye will find frequently in the word.

2d Reaſon. A ſecond reaſon wherefore we would look for a ſtorm, is, becauſe we are guilty of theſe ſins, that bring on ſtorms on the church, and people of