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ſuch as turn aſide to crooked ways, the Lord ſhall lead them forth with the workers of iniquity. Therefore for discovery of ſuch, he ſends ſad ſtorms on the back of reformation.

Another reaſon of the Lord’s bringing ſad ſtorms and tempeſts on his people, on the back of glorious manifeſtations of himſelf, is, that he may prove and take a trial of the integrity, faith, and patience of his ſaints; and in trying them to purchaſe glory to himself, and a name to them. 1 Pet. i. 7. That the trial of your faith (being much more precious than of gold that periſheth, though it be tried with fire,) might be found unto praise, and honour, and glory, at the appearing of Jeſus Chriſt.

There is alſo a reaſon concerning adverſaries, which we ſhall not now meddle with.

But we come to the ſecond point, How it is, or in what ſeveral ſorts of ways it is, that the Lord is pleaſed thus to diſpenſe, I mean, to ſend ſtorms and trials on his ſervants and people, immediately on the back of ſome glorious appearance, and notable works of kindness and mercy amongst them. There might be a great many ways named, how the Lord is pleaſed to do thus; we ſhall name only four generals.

1ſt Way, Firſt, He does it ſometimes by the interrupting of his work. Thus he did it in that place cited before, Ezra iv. After the foundation of the Lord’s houſe is laid, a company of malignant men, enemies to the poor people of God, and his work, who are exceeding ill ſatisfied that the work of God ſhould proſper, they come by all means to interrupt the work of God: and when they could not prevail by flattery, they go to the king of Perſia, and load the people of God with falſe aſperations, that they were about to rebel, &c. by which ſuggeſtions, they obtain letters from the king, commanding them to ceaſe building of the temple, and when the copy of the king’s letter was read, they made them to ceaſe by force and power, &c.

2d Way. A ſecond way is, by corruption, when ſuffers