Page:Culture.vs.Copyright 01.pdf/141

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Technical Principles


Ideally, Authoright should be based on a specific law, one which directly addresses the scope and features of Authoright. However, such a law does not yet exist. For this reason, an Authoright license should be based on and enforced within existing law. Any suitable law or contract may be used singularly or in conjunction with another, in order to support an Authoright license.


Due to the general purpose of creating a license that ideally corresponds to the nature of culture, it is essential that the license’s scope and features be flexible. That is, they can be changed, but the Authoright License does not have different versions.

The License Text

The Authoright License is reflexive, i.e. it is released under Authoright based on whatever laws are suitable at the time and place that Authoright is challenged. Specifically, any license built upon the one presented here must clearly state this and make reference to this text.