Page:Culture.vs.Copyright 01.pdf/142

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Culture vs. Copyright

The License


Authoright covers the use of any and all cultural phenomena.

Freedom of Use

Any cultural phenomenon may be freely used by any entity for any known or currently unknown purpose, creative, commercial, or noncommercial without limitations, permissions, or control of any kind by any individual, organization, government or international agency, and so forth.


Any and all public uses of a cultural phenomenon require attribution, when applicable, to all of the following:

  • Author(s)
  • Source and its sponsors
  • Original source and its sponsors

No Transfers

The right for attribution is perpetual, inalienable, nontransferable, and non-alterable in any way. Situations of disputed authorship can be resolved on a case by case basis.

No Organizations

An author entitled to attribution may only be an individual or group of named individuals. No other entity of any kind, including but not limited to a business, an agency, a union, a fund, a family, a public association, or an organization, can be considered and attributed as author.