Page:Culture.vs.Copyright 01.pdf/143

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Sponsorship Agreement

Any entity may be attributed as a sponsor if it has paid the author or provided incentives to the author that have been agreed upon.

That particularly means that an employer may only be attributed as a sponsor but cannot have any exclusive rights over employee’s creative work.


Any derivative work based on a work under the Authoright License can only be licensed under Authoright. This does not apply to collections where Authorighted work is included.


The license allows an author to use any set of laws and contracts to support Authoright. These may be openly listed in an Authoright notice. For example, Authoright (First Amendment to the United States of America Constitution; Copyright, United States of America; Commonwealth, California) <date of the first public use><names>. If a specific law, or right, or any derivative thereof that Authoright was based on expires, then the license must be restored based on current laws.

Authoright Notice

Authoright notice must be attached in a clear and reasonable manner to any derivative built upon Authorighted work. Any public usage of an Authorighted work must be accompanied by clear and reasonable display of the Authoright license attached to the work.