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Culture Beyond Art

Summarizing Questions

Teacher: Don’t we have something for the first summary?
Delta: A bunch of questions.
Kappa: It is something. We wanted to clarify our problem, remember?
Teacher: I remember. Would you like to try, Kappa?
Kappa: OK, but you all help me.
Delta: Count me in!
Beta: I’ll join in.
Gamma: I’ll do my best.
Teacher: Alpha, are we in?
Alpha: I’m not sure we’ve got enough material for all helpers. . . . I’ll let you know if you miss something.
Teacher: It’s a deal. Go ahead, Kappa.
Kappa: OK. We have got, so far . . . first, could someone be creative in taking a test one is not prepared for? Does this question stand?
Alpha: Baloney.
Delta: Continue, Kappa. You got one.
Beta: Generally, if you don’t know an answer, then a simple question becomes a complex problem to resolve . . .
Kappa: OK. The second question is: could it be creative guessing?
Alpha: But that’s the same question!
Delta: I believe guessing is part of any creation.
Alpha: But this doesn’t make any sense!
Teacher: Alpha, we shall discuss this, but let us do the summary first.
Alpha: We were going to sum up questions, but the first one is obviously not a question at all, and the second one is the same as the first one.
Beta: I wouldn’t be so sure about both. You can never predict what pops up in a discussion.
Alpha: All right, I’ll keep silent regardless of what you say.
Delta: You can’t, Alpha. You promised to let us know if we miss something.
Alpha: That’s enough! Do you want to discuss me or our topic?
Teacher: Our topic. And I assume everyone is ready to continue.
Kappa: If someone does not like a question, we can reformulate it, right?