Page:Culture.vs.Copyright 01.pdf/62

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Culture vs. Copyright

Teacher: Acceptable.
Kappa: OK. Do we have the correct question about test taking, or is it better to leave the general question about guessing only?
Gamma: Why can’t we discuss both?
Delta: I agree. We don’t know what to do, anyway.
Alpha: Exactly.
Delta: OK. We don’t know what to do anyway, so we need as many questions as possible.
Alpha: And to stay here overnight.
Gamma: That’s destructive!
Alpha: What?
Gamma: What you are doing now is destructive.
Alpha: And collecting a thousand questions to solve a single problem is constructive?
Gamma: Do you really hope to solve it today?
Alpha: Why did we even start if we didn’t want to solve it?
Beta: Who said we didn’t?
Kappa: We’ve counted two questions so far. The third one would be whether making art is always a creative process.
Alpha: Who questions that?
Teacher: I do.
Alpha: Why?
Teacher: Why don’t we finish with the summary first?
Kappa: The fourth one will be: . . . “Could copying be creative?” The fifth one: “If a copied work is brilliant, was creativity involved in copying it?”
Teacher: An excellent formulation.
Kappa: The sixth question: “Is the copying of a painting similar to the understanding of an idea?”
Beta: I have another one. Is the copying of a creative work the same as understanding its author’s way of thinking?
Delta: Why the same? How could it be the same?
Gamma: Kappa said “similar to.”
Kappa: Aha. Can we put it like this: Is copying generally like understanding?
Delta: Of course! You can never repeat something if you don’t understand it!