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Culture vs. Copyright

Creativity and Goals

Beta: We’ve touched upon this problem many times.
Kappa: Actually, we were on track many times, but were interrupted.
Alpha: Don’t blame me.
Kappa: It was not you . . . well . . . not only you. We interrupted our discussion to proceed with the list.
Alpha: Aha! Thus a goal can be disruptive!
Delta: Maybe there could be different goals?
Alpha: Look, like I said, suppose you go out to take a picture of your friend, OK? Then you see a beautiful flower, OK? But you pass it by because you have another goal and you miss . . .
Beta: I believe that picture you are going to take can be as beautiful . . .
Gamma: And so that flower can be forgotten, right?
Kappa: Alpha is right. A creator has to be ready . . .
Beta: Actually, yes, you don’t know for sure what happens in the end; it wouldn’t be creation otherwise.
Gamma: But this equally applies to both pictures! You don’t just “take a picture” if you want it to turn out well.
Delta: Thus, there has to be some sort of goal.
Kappa: OK, suppose you know what you want, I mean a picture. . . . OK, you have a goal. . . . You may even have two goals.
Delta: I know. Goal number one—to get something special on film. Goal number two—to make it beautiful.
Alpha: Here we go! Goal number three—to make it quick!
Beta: Of course—to catch the moment when one and two meet.
Kappa: Let me finish, guys. . . . Actually you helped a lot. But let me finish now.
Delta: Go ahead.
Kappa: What if you think about all three goals but still fall short? You click, click, click and nothing good comes out. What then?
Alpha: What then? You are a lousy photographer then. That’s it.
Beta: I got it. . . . You can know what you want, you can know how you want it, and you try to be quick, yet you fail because you do not have the skills. . . . Is that where you were heading, Kappa?
Kappa: Maybe, . . . I’m not sure. . . . Just asked because it’s kind of an obvious question.