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Culture Beyond Art

Delta: I remember it was Beta’s assumption in the very beginning that a talented author can achieve what he wants, right?
Alpha: What if he wants something stupid?
Gamma: “Stupid” is not an issue here. Stupid can be beautiful.
Alpha: Do you have an example?
Gamma: All right, have you watched Chicago?
Alpha: I have. So?
Kappa: Ha, Roxie is stupid and beautiful! That’s right!
Alpha: She is not that stupid.
Beta: Hey, let’s go back one step. That was interesting. Alpha said it could happen. I mean, a picture can get spoiled if the photographer has a trivial aesthetic goal, right?
Teacher: Correct.
Alpha: I didn’t know I was that smart!
Gamma: Remember that movie The Majestic, where the producer suggested changes to the movie scenario at the beginning and at the end?
Kappa: Yeah, yeah! He said such stupid things!
Delta: And he could have done them all!

Creativity and New Form

Teacher: It looks as we are approaching another summary.
Beta: May I?
Teacher: Sure.
Beta: In order to create, an author needs, first, to have a subject, like he wants to take a picture of someone. Second, he needs to have an aesthetic idea of how to make it beautiful. Third, the aesthetic idea has to be unique. Fourth, he needs to be skillful enough to implement these three. Fifth, he needs to grasp the moment when all four converge.
Delta: Isn’t the fifth point included in the fourth one?
Beta: Why?
Delta: You said to grasp the moment, right? Isn’t that about a skill?
Beta: No, I actually meant a moment of time. It should happen. It is not enough to be ready. You are ready to grasp the moment, but the moment must occur, right?