Page:Current Strategies for Engineering Controls in Nanomaterial Production and Downstream Handling Processes.pdf/64

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Table 3. Summary of instruments and techniques for monitoring nanoparticle emissions in nanomanufacturing workplaces

Metric Instrument Remarks
Aerosol concentration CPC Real-time measurement.

Typical concentration range of up to 400,000 particles/cm3 for stand-alone models with coincidence correction; 100,000 particles/cm3 for hand-held models.

DMPS SMPS often uses a radioactive source.

FMPS uses electrometer-based sensors. Concentration range from 100−107 particles/cm3 at 5.6 nm and 1−105 particles/cm3 at 560 nm.

Surface area Diffusion charger Need appropriate inlet pre-separator for nanoparticle measurement. Total active surface area concentration up to 1,000 µm2/cm3.

Real-time size-selective detection of active surface area concentration.

2×104–6.9×107 particles/cm3 depending on size range/stage.

Mass Size selective static sampler Low pressure cascade impactors.

Micro-orifice impactors.

TEOM EPA standard reference equivalent method.
Aerosol concentration by calculation ELPI
Surface area by calculation DMPS
DMPS and ELPI used in parallel Surface area is estimated by difference in measured aerodynamic and mobility diameters.
Mass by calculation ELPI Calculated by assumed or known particle charge and density.
DMPS Calculated by assumed or known particle charge and density.

Abbreviations: CPC=condensation particle counter; DMPS=differential mobility particle sizer; SMPS=scanning mobility particle sizer; FMPS=fast mobility particle sizer; ELPI= electric low pressure impactor; TEOM=tapered element oscillating microbalance

Current Strategies for Engineering Controls in Nanomaterial Production and Downstream Handling Processes