Page:Cyclopaedia, Chambers - Volume 1.djvu/305

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the adjoining Figure : Thus, he bears Ennin, a Canton Ar- gent, charged with a Cheveron Gules.

Canton, is alfo us'd for the Spaces left between the Branches of a Crofs or Saltier.

Cantoned is us'd in Architecture, when the Corner of a Building is adorn'd with a Pilafter, an angular Column, ruftick Quoins, or any thing that projects beyond the naked of the Wall. r J

Cantoned, in Heraldry, is when the four Cantons, or Spaces round a Crofs, or Saltier, are filled up with any Pieces. He bears Gules, a Crcfs Argent, cantond with four Scollop Shells. The Word is alfo us'd when there are little Pieces in the Cantons, or Spaces of any principal Fi- gure of an Efcutcheon.

CANVAS, or CANEVAS, properly, a coarfe Cloth, ufu- ally very open, and wove regularly in little Squares; us'd for the Ground of Tapeftry Work, Painting, tic Hence Canvas is us'd, efpecially among the French, for the Mo- del, or firft Words whereon an Air, or Piece of Mufick is compos'd, and given to a Poet to regulate and finifh. The Canvas of a Song, is certain Notes of the Compofer, which fliew the Poet the Meafure of Verfes he is to make. Thus, 2J« Lot fays, he has Canvas for ten Sonnets againft the Mufes.

CANULA, or CANNULA, in Chirurgcry, a little Tube, or Pipe, which the Chirurgeons leave in Wounds and Ulcers, that they dare not, or"chufe not to heal up ; be- caufe ftill fuppurating. The Canula is of Gold, Silver, or Lead j and is perforated, that the 'Pus entering within it, may fall upon a Sponge, dipp'd in Spirit of Wine, and plac'd at the Orifice, to keep the Ulcer warm, and to pre- venr the external Air from entering : Some of thefe Can- nnl£ have Rings, whereby to keep them faft in the Wound ; and others have Holes with Ribbons thro 'em, to bind 'em down. Some are round, others oval, others crooked.

There is a particular kind of thefe Cannula, form'd taper- wife, with a Skrew faften'd to one End, in manner of a Cock : Its ufe is, for the Difcharge of the Water out of the Abdomen, after Tapping, in an Afiites, or Dropfy. To this End it is inferted into the Body, thro a Hole near the Navel ; made with a pointed Inftrument, and fome- times a Punch ; and is fallen 'd in its Place by a Bandage, and guarded from any Injury of the Clothes, tic. by a Cafe, or Cover. It has this advantage over the common Tap- ping ; that by means thereof, the Water is drawn out when, and in what meafure the Patient pleafes. See Tap- ping, and Dropsy.

There are likewife a kind of Cannule for the Applicati- on of actual Cauteries ; they are made very fhallow, and are, in effect, little more than Hoops ; thro the Aperture whereof, the actual Cautery is convey'd; which, by this means, is kept from damaging the adjacent Parts. See Cautery, and Caustic.

CAP, a Garment ferving to cover the Head, and made near- ly of the Figure thereof: The jEra of Caps and Hats, is re- ferr'd to fheYear 1449 ; the firlt feen in thefe Parts of the World being at the Entry of Charles VII. into Rouen: From that time they began, by little and little, to take place of the Hoods, or Chaperons, that had been us'd till then. M. le Gendre, indeed, goes further back ; they began, fays he, under Charles V. to let fall the Angles of the Hood upon the Shoulders, and to cover the Head with a Cap, or Bon- net : When this Cap was of Velvet, they call'd it Mortier $ when of Wool, fimply 'Bonnet : the firll was lae'd, the lat- ter had no Ornament befides two Horns, rais'd a moderate Height, one of which ferv'd in covering and uncovering. None but Kings, Princes, and Knights, were allow'd the Ufe of the Mortier. See Mortier.

The Cap was the Head-drefs of the Clergy and Gra- duates. 'Pafquier fays, 'that it was antiently a part of the Hood wore by the People of the Robe ; the Skirts whereof being cut off, as an Incumbrance, left the round Cap an eafy commodious Cover for the Head ; which round Cap being afterwards affum'd by the People, thofe of the Gown chang'd it for a fquare one, firft invented by a Frenchman, call'd 'Patrouillet : He adds, that the giving of the Cap to the Students in the Univcrfities, was to de- note that they had acquir'd lull Liberty, and were no lon- ger fubjefl to the Rod of their Superiors ; in Imitation of the antient Romans, who gave a 'Pileus, or Cap, to their Slaves, in the Ceremony of making them free : whence the Proverb, Vocare fervos ad 'Pileum. Hence, alfo, on Medals, the Cap is the Symbol of Liberty, whom they rcprefent holding a Cap in her right Hand, by the Point.

The Chinefe have not the ufe of the Hat, like us ; but wear a Cap of a peculiar Structure, which the Laws of Ci- vility will not allow, them to put off"; 'tis different for the different Seafons of the Year : That us'd in Summer, is in form of a Cone,endingattopina Point. 'Tis madeof a very beautiful kind of Mat, much valu'd in that Country, and lin'd with Sattin ; to this is added, at top, a large Lock of red Siik, which falls all around as low as the Bottom : fo

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that, in walking, the Silk fluctuating regularly on all Sides, makes a graceful Appearance : Sometimes, inftead of Silk, they ufe a kind of bright red Hair, the Luftre whereof no Weather effaces. In Winter they wear a Plufli Cap, bof- der'd with Martlet's or Fox's Skin ; the reft like thofe for the Summer. Nothing can be neater than thefe Caps ; they are frequently fold for eight or ten Crowns : but they are fo fhort that the Ears are expos'd. See Turb ins ; fee alfo Hats.

Square-CAr. The Cap, or Sonnet, is a Mark, or Orna- ment of certain Characters : Thus Churchmen, and the Members of Univerfities, Students in Law, Phyfick, tic. as well as Graduates, wear fquare Caps. In moll Univer- fities, Doctors are diftinguifh'd by peculiar Caps, given them in affuming the Doctorate, ffickliff calls the Canons of his Time Sifurcati, from rhcir fquare Caps. 'Pafquier obferves, that in his Time, the Caps wore by the Church- men, tic were call'd fquare Caps ; tho, in effea, they were round, yellow Caps.

The Cap is fomctimes aifo us'd as a Mark of Infamy : In Italy, the Jews are diftinguifh'd by a yellow Cap ; at Lucca by an orange one. In France, thofe who had been Bankrupts, were oblig'd ever after ro wear a green Cap ; to prevent People from being impos'd on in any future Com- merce. By feveral Arrets in 1584, 1622, 1628, i«88, it was decreed, that if they were at any time found without that green Cap, their Proteflion fliould be null, and their Creditors impower'd to caft them into Prifon : but the Thing is not now executed. See Bankrupt.

Cap, in a Ship, is a fquare Piece of Timber, put over the Head, or upper End of a Maft, having a round Hole to receive the Maft. By thefe Caps, the Top-mafts, and Top-gallant-mafts, are kept fteady and firm in the Treffel- trees, where their Feet Hand ; as thofe of the lower Malls do in the Steps. See Mast.

t PrieJl , s-CAs, in Fortification. See Bonnet a 'Pretre.

CAPACITY, in a Logical Senfe, an Aptitude, Faculty, or Difpofition to retain, or hold any thing. Our Law al- lows the King two Capacities, a Natural, and a 'Political ; in the firft he may purchafe Lands to him and his Heirs ; in the latter to him and his Succeffors. The Clergy have the like.

CAPARASON, or CAPARISON, the Covering, or Clothing laid over an Horfe ; efpecially a Sumpter, or Horfe of State. Antiently, Caparafons were a kind of Iron Armour, wherewith Horfes were cover'd in Battel. The Word is Spanifh, being an Augmentative of Cape, Caput, Head.

CAPE, or •Promontory, in Geography, a Head-Land ; or a piece of Land running out beyond the reft, into the Sea. Si- cily was call'd by the Antients Trinacria,by reafon of its three Capes, or Promontories ; reprefented on Medals, by three Mens Legs join'd rogether at the head of the Thigh, and bent in the Knee ; which pretty nearly refembles the Tri- angular Figure of that Ifland. See Promontory, Cher-


Cape, in Law, a Writ touching Plea of Lands and Te- nements ; fo term'd, (as moil other Wtits are) from the Word which carries the chief Intention or End of it. The Writ is divided into Cape Magnum, and Cape fParvum - which in their Effect or Confluence are alike, as to the taking hold of Things immoveable : in the following Cir- cumftances they differ ; ill, In that the Cape Magnum, or grand Cape lies before ; and the Cape 'Parvum, or petit Cape, after. Cape Magnum fummons the Defendant to an- fwer ro the Default; and befides to the Demandant : Cape (Parvum only to the Default. Ingham fays, 'tis call'd pe- tit Cape, not becaufe of fmall force 5 but becaufe contain'd in few Words.

Cape Magnum is thus defin'd in the old Nat. Srev. ' Where a Man hath brought a 'Precipe quod reddet of a ' Thing that touches Plea of Land, and the Tenant makes ' default at the Day to him given in the original Writ ;

■ then this Writ fhall be for the King to take the Land ' into his Hands : and if the Tenant come not at the Day

■ given him by the Wrir, he lofes his Land.'

Cape 'Parvum, or petit Cape is thus defin'd, Ibid. ' Where ' the Tenant is fummon'd in Plea of Land, and comes at

  • the Summons, and his Appearance is recorded ; and at

' the Day given him, prays the View ; and having it ' granted, makes default : then fhall this Writ ifTue for the ' King, tic.

Cape ad Valentiajn, a Species of Cape Magnum, (o call'd from the End to which it tends : It is thus defcrib'd,

  • Where I am impleaded of Lands, and I vouch to warrant

( another, againft whom the Summons ad PI'arrantandum ' hath been awarded, and the Sheriff comes not at the Day ' given ; then, if the Defendant recover againft me, I fhall ' have a Wrir againft the Vouchee ; and fhall recover fo 1 much in value of the Lands of the Vouchee, if he has 1 fo much : otherwife, I fhall have Execution of fuch ' Lands and Tenements as defcend to him in Fee ; or, if 1 he purchafe afterwards, 1 fhall have a Re-fummons

  • agafnft