Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 1.djvu/189

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1JKIIAM berg ; two portraits of Bavarian Princes, ' Nostitz Gallery, Prague; fifteen do., Schleiss- j heim Gallery ; Two altar wings with Saints, Sigmaringen Museum ; St. Bruno in the ! Desert, Stuttgart Gallery. Allgem. d.Biogr., ii. 277; Keaue, Early Masters, 151; Meyer, Kdnst. Lex., iii. 311; Scott, Little Masters, 49 ; W. & W., ii. 410 ; Rosenberg, S. & B. Beham, Leipsic, 1875. BEHAM (Behaim, Behem), HANS SE- BALD, born at Nuremberg iu 1500, died in j Frankfort, Nov. 2'2, 1550. German school ; banished, with his brother Burthel, in 1524, but seems to have returned to Nuremberg, and afterwards led a wandering life, apj>ear- ing iu Munich, 1530, and settled in Frank- fort in 1534. Was most prominent as one of the Little Masters, excelling as a paint- er only iu miniatures. Works : Table-Top, with Scenes from Life of David, Louvre ; do. with Bathers, etc., Wiesbaden Museum; Scenes of Ba thing, Shippingaud Hunting, Berlin Mu- seum. Allgem. d. Biogr., ii. 279; Keane, Early Masters, 144 ; Kugler (Crowe), i. 179 ; Meyer, Kiuist. Lex., iii. 318 ; Scott, Little Masters, 49 ; W. & W., ii. 407 ; Rosenberg, S. & B. Beham. BEHMER, HERMANN, born at Merzien, Anhalt, in 1831. Genre and portrait painter, pupil from 1853 in Berlin of Steffeck, and at the Academy, then (1856) in Paris, at the cole des Beaux Arts, and of Flandriu and Couture. After a two years' journey through Italy, Egypt, and Palestine in 1866-68, he settled in Berlin, whence in 1873 he re- moved to Weimar. Medal, in Philadelphia, 1876. Works : Girl with Wild Roses, In- terior of House at Bethlehem (1868). Meyer, Ktlnst. Lex., iii. 335. BEHR, CAREL JACOBUS, born at The Hague, July 9, 1812. Architecture painter, pupil of B. J. van Hove ; member of Amster- dam Academy, 1837. Works : View of City Hall at The Hague (1836); Biuueuhof, ib. (1839); Winter Landscape (1840); Hetlango Voorhout, Hague (1842); Ruins of old Cu- tle, Pavilion, Haarlem. Immerzeel, L 39. BEHRENDSEN, AUGUST, born in Mag- deburg, in 1810. Landscape pointer, pupil at Berlin Academy of Schirmer, to whose style he adhered in most of his landscapes ; settled in Konigsberg, where, in 1855, Lo became professor at the Academy : obtained the gold medal in 1862, and was made member of the Berlin Academy iu 1869. Studio at Merou, Tyrol. Works : View near Conegliauo, Landscape in the style of Claudo Lorrain, Mill on Mountain Brook, Morning in the Alps (Konigsberg Museum); Evening iu the Salzburg Mountains, View on the Traun Hills, On Lake Como, On the Coast of Genoa, Coast near Nice, Evening on the Haff, Clearing in Pinewood, Lake in the High Alps, From Northern Tyrol. Diosku- rt-n (1860), 384 ; (1861), 245 ; (1864), 431 ; (1866), 58, 369; (1867), 156; Kugler, KL Sehriften, iii. 574, 677; Kunstblatt (1855), 395; (1866), 432; (1857), 122; Meyer, Kiinst. Lex., iii. 336. BEICH, JOACHIM FRANZ, born at Ravensburg, Oct. 15, 1665, died in Munich in 1748. Landscape and battle painter, pupil and of son Daniel Beich (flourished at Ravensburg and Munich second half of 17th century); completed his studies iu Italy after Poussin, and became court painter to the Elector of Bavaria. His pictures ore arti- ficial, but often grand in composition. Works : Prophet Elijah, John Baptist, and others, Old Pinakothek, Munich; eleven great Episodes from the Turkish War (1683-88), Schleissheim Gallery ; others in Vienna Museum ; Brunswick, Manheim, and Stutt- gart Galleries. Kugler (Crowe), ii. 567 ; Meyer, Kflnst. Lex., iii. 337. BEIDEMANN, ALEXANDER JEGORO- VICH, born in St Petersburg, Aug. 17, 1826, died there, Feb. 27, 1869. History and portrait painter, pupil of the St Peters- burg Academy ; visited Germany, Italy, and France in 1857-60 ; after his return Ixjcanie member of the Academy, and in 135