Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 1.djvu/190

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BEINKE 1861 professor. In 1863 and 1865 he trav- elled in the Crimea, and in 1868 went to Paris to paint altarpieces for the Russian churches there. Works : St. John Baptist in the Desert (1852); Flight into Egypt (1853); Come unto Me (1854); Christ in House of Mary and Martha (1855); Views and Costumes from Italy and Bavaria, Procession of the Host in Italy, Savoyard Girl at her Mother's Grave, Ruth and Boaz, Girl Drinking from a Spring, Lovers on a Terrace, Inn in Bavaria (1860), Appari- Belisarius, Jacques Louis David, Louvre, Paris. tion of the Virgin (1860); Assumption (1863). Meyer, Ktlnst. Lex., iii. 338. BEINKE, FRITZ, born in Diisseldorf, April 23, 1842. Genre painter, pupil of the Diisseldorf Academy under Millie r, Sohn, and Bendemann, then studied, travelling on repeated journeys through Germany, and northern Italy. Works: Visit of Condo- lence (1866); Rag-Picker in Black Forest (1868); Prayer (1871); Return from Excur- sion (1873); Forester at Breakfast (1873); The Juggler (1874); Meeting in the Field (1875); Long Live the Emperor! (1876); Flower Girl (1877). Meyer, Kiinst. Lex., iii. 342. BELGIOJOSO, CARLO BARBIANODI, Count, born in Milan, Aug. 17, 1815, died there, June 22, 1881. Pupil of Milan Acad- emy, under Hayez ; in 1840 went to Rome, and studied works of Raphael for two years. On his return to Milan devoted himself to painting until 1854, when he abandoned art for a literary career. In 1860-1880 he was President of the Academy. His paint- ings show little talent, but are carefully ex- ecuted. Meyer, Kunst. Lex., iii. 347. BELIN, JEAN, born at Caen, baptized Nov. 9, 1653, died in Paris, Feb. 12, 1715. Commonly called Jean Baptiste Blin, or Blain de Fontenay. Painter of still life, pupil of Monnoyer, whose daugh- ter he married. Mem- ber of the Academy in 1G87. Employed by Monnoyer in all his works in the royal cas- tles and public build- ings, he soon won the favor of Louis XTV., and received numerous or- ders for works at Ver- sailles, Marly, Compi- egne, and Fontainebleau. Works : Collection of his paintings in Grand Tri- anon ; two in the Louvre, others in the Museum of Caen, Bayeux, Rennes, Orleans, Avignon, Tours, and Marseilles. Meyer, Ktlnst. Lex., iii. 348 ; D'Argenville, Abrege, iv. 280; C16mont de Ris, Les Musees de Province, 115 ; Larousse. BELISARIUS, Jacques Louis David, Lou- vre, Paris; canvas, H. 3 ft. 4 in. x 3ft. 8 in.; signed, dated Paris, 1784. The blind Roman general, reduced to beggary, seated at en- trance of a temple at right, is recognized by one of his old soldiers as a woman drops an obolus into the helmet, held by his young companion. Salon, 1785. Engraved by Morel ; Sisco. This picture is a reduction of 186