Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 1.djvu/407

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CONTAKINI hand. Delessert sale, Paris (1809), 150,000 francs ; Narischkine sale, Paris (1883), 160,000 francs Smith, iv. 229 ; Gaz. des B. Arts (1869), i. 202 ; L'Art (1883), i. 113. CONTARINI, GIOVANNI, Cavaliere, born in Venice in 1549, died in 1605. Vene- tian school ; history and portrait painter ; contemporary of Palma, studied works of Titian and Tintoretto. Went to Germany and painted much at court of Rudolph TL, by whom he was knighted- Works: Res- urrection, S. Francesco di Paola, Venice ; Crucifixion, Chiesa della Croce, Venice ; Si Jerome, Brera, Milan ; St. Sebastian, Berlin Museum ; Baptism of Christ, Vienna Muse- um ; his own portrait, Uffizi, Florence. CONTI, TITO, born in Italy ; contempo- rary. History and genre painter ; lives in Florence. Works : Wine Taster, Samuel Hawk Collection, New York ; Meeting of Dante and Beatrice ; Meeting of Petrarch and Laura ; Dante and his Friends ; Lute Player (1883). CONVENT, RETURN TO, Eduardo Zumaco'in, R. L. Cutting, New York ; canvas. Scene : entrance to a Spanish Franciscan monastery, with mendicant monks return- ing from a begging expedition to the village, the roofs of which, covered with snow, are seen in the background ; several donkeys are tied up to rings in the wall, but one balking animal is pulling an exasperated monk backwards, his track making a slide in the snow. Photogravure in Art Treas- ures of America. Art Treas. of Amer., ii. 33. CONVOCATION OF CLERGY, Sir John Gilbert, Royal Academy, London ; canvas. A meeting of dignitaries of the Roman Church, listening to a monk who stands de- fending some point of doctrine from a vol- ume held in his hand ; background, tapes- try hangings representing a triumphal church procession. Painted in 1870-71 ; presented to Academy as his diploma pict- ure. Etched by L. Flameng in Portfolio. Portfolio (1878), 113. CONZ, GUSTAV, born at Tubingen in 1832. Landscape painter, pupil of Stutt- gart Art School under Funk ; studied iu Munich in 1856-58, and in Dusseldorf, in 1862, under Oswald Achenbach ; then for one year in Rome, and in 1865 became pro- fessor at the Katharinen Stift in Stuttgart. Works : View iu Upper Bavaria (1862); Coast of Terracina ; View of Aricia ; View near Ole- vano ; View of S. M. della Vittoria in Rome. Mailer, 112. COOK, H., born in England ; contempo- rary. Landscape painter. Exhibits chiefly at Grosveuor Gallery. Works : Lago Maggi- ore (1880); View in Venice (1881); Church and Bridge of St. Polo, San Giorgio Venice (1882); Sunset Venice (1883). COOKE, EDWARD WILLIAM, born in London in 1811, died near Groombridge, Jan. 4, 1880. Son and pupil of George Cooke, engraver (1781-1834); studied archi- tecture and perspective under the elder Pu- gin ; first exhibited at Royal Academy in 1835, Honfleur Fishing Boats, and Hay- Barge off Greenwich. Two years later ho went to Holland, which he re-visited many times ; travelled also in Spain, France, Italy, and Egypt, painting many architectural sub- jects, landscapes, and marine views. Became A.R A. in 1851, and R.A. in 1864. His Dutch Boats in a Calm and The Boat House are in the National Gallery ; others in S. Kensing- ton Museum. Cats. Nat. Gal. and R Acad. ; Saudby, ii. 327; Graves, 52. COOMANS, JOSEPH, born at Brussels in 1816. History and genre painter ; first instructed iu Ghent by Hasselaere, a medi- ocre artist, then pupil of Antwerp Academy under N. do Keyser and Wappers ;went with the French army to Algiers, where he spent several years, then visited Italy, Turkey, Greece, and the Crimea ; in Italy again in 1857, since when, attracted by the Pompeian paintings, he has painted almost exclusively subjects from antiquity. Works : Conquest of Jerusalem by the Crusaders (1841); Battle of Ascalon (1842); The Deluge ; Landscape in Province of Coustautiue ; Emigration of 337