Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 1.djvu/408

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COOPER Arab Tribes ; Dancing Arab Women ; Defeat of Attila (1848), City Hall, Brussels ; Battle of the Alma (1855); Feast of the Philistines (185G); Lesbia ; The Source ; Last Days of Pompeii (1863); Poet's House in last Hour of Pompeii (1869); The Delinquent ; Phryne ; Glycera ; Live Love Letter (1873) ; Inter- ested Kiss (1876) ; Dangerous Passage ; The First Step (1877); An Arrest (1880); Dance at Three (1881); The Dream (1882); Love as Pilot (1883). Mflller, 1 13 ; N. illustr. Zeitg. (1880), i. 343. COOPER, ABRAHAM, born in London, Sept. 8, 1787, died at Greenwich, Dec. 24, 1868. Animal and battle painter, self- taught. Began as an assistant at Astley's theatre,and when twenty-two years old paint- ed a favourite horse of Sir H.Meux with such success that he continued and became the best horse and battle painter of his day. His works, though flat and leaden in colour and of small size, were popular ; many have been engraved. Elected an A.R.A. in 1817, and R.A. in 1820. Works : Tarn O'Shanter (1814); Marston Moor (1817); Cromwell at Marston Moor (1821); Rupert's Standard (1822); Bosworth Field (1825); Richard I. and Saladin at Ascalon (1828) ; Bothwell seizing Mary Queen of Scots (1831); Retreat at Naseby (1833); Hawking in the Olden ; Time (1834); Death of Harold (1836); Battle of Waterloo (1838); Cavalier; (1842); Prince' Rupert at New- ark, Returning ' fromDeerStalk- | ing (1844);| Rout at Marston Moor (1852) ; Battle of Assye (1853) ; Battle of Naseby (1862) ; Pride of the Desert. Sandby, i. 36',) ; Art Journal (1863), 89 ; Wilmot-Buxton, 166 ; Redgrave ; Graves, 52. COOPER, SAMUEL, born in London in 1609, died there, May 5, 1672. Pupil of his elder brother, Alexander Cooper, and of his uncle, John Hoskius ; also studied the works of Van Dyck and became famous as a minia- ture painter. He lived much in France and Holland, and painted many eminent persons, among whom were Charles II., his Queen, the Duke of York, and most of the Court ; also several portraits of Oliver Cromwell, two of which are in possession of the Duke of Buccleugh, and one in the National Por- trait Gallery. Alexander Cooper (flourished 1650-60), brother of Samuel, was limner to Queen Christina of Sweden. Redgrave ; F. de Conches, 46. COOPER, THOMAS SIDNEY, born at Canterbury, Eng- land, Sept. 26, 1803. Landscape and cat- tle painter ; pupil of Royal Academy, London. Went to France in 1827, and settled in Brussels, where he was a pu- pil of Verboeckhov- en a few months. In 1830 he visited Hol- land, and in 1831 returned home and ex- hibited at the Royal Academy in 1833. Elected an A.R.A. in 1845, and R.A. in 1867. The landscapes in several of his pictures were painted by Fred. R. Lee. Works : Mountains in Cumberland (1841); Ettrick Shepherds (1842); Cattle at Pasture (1843); Summer Evening (1846); Charge of House- hold Brigade Waterloo (1847); Fordwich Meadows Sunset (1850) ; Crossing New- biggin Moor in a Suow-Drift (1860); Snowed Up (1867); Milking Time in the Meadows (1869); Passing Shower (1870); Children of the Mist (1872); Monarch of the Meadows (1873); God's Acre (1875); A Cool Retreat (1877); Victor's Shout (1879); Isaac's Sub- stitute, Summer Evening in the Marshes, On Deal Common (1880); Scape Goat (1881); Summer Afternoon (1882) ; Brook in the Meadows, In the Rob-Roy Country (1883). Art Journal (1849), 336; (1861), 133; Sandby, ii. 215. COPE, CHARLES WEST, born at Leeds, England, in 1811. History and portrait