Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/265

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STEFANO and pupil of Hendrik van Steenwyck the el- der ; fellow scholar with Pieter Neefs. Paint- ed architectural backgrounds for many of Van Dyck's pictures. Worked first nt Antwerp ; after 1629 in England, when Charles I. ordered several pictures from him. Works : Christ be- fore the High Priest, Peter's Denial, Ma- drid Museum ; Jesus with Martha and Mary (1620), four Church Interiors, Louvre, Paris ; View of a Public Square (1614), Hague Mu- seum ; Interior by Candle-Light, Suermondt Museum, Aix-la-Chapelle ; Liberation of Peter (2), Gothic Church Interior, Bruns- wick Gallery ; A Prison (1649), Berlin Mu- seum ; Liberation of Peter (2, one dated 1631), Darmstadt Museum ; Terrace before Vestibule of Renaissance Building (1618), Leipsic Museum ; Italian Palace (1623), In- terior of Sacristy (1634), Hermitage, St. Petersburg ; Interior of Renaissance Palace (1611), three others, Schwerin Gallery ; three Church Interiors (1609, 1611, 1614), Hall of Castle (1637), Dresden Gallery ; Liberation of Peter (1621, 1633), Church Interior, do. (1605), Vienna Museum ; Gothic Church Interior, Copenhagen Gal- lery ; do., Gotha Museum ; St. Peter in Prison, Church Interior, and others, Hamp- ton Court. Ch. Blanc, l5cole flamande ; Kramm, v. 1568 ; Riegel, Beitrage, ii. 35, 73 ; Siret (1883), ii. 294. STEFANO DA FERRARA, born in Fer- rara in 14 , died there, Jan. 17, 1500. Lombard school ; real name probably Ste- fano Falzagalloni ; pupil of Squarcione. His decorations of a chapel in S. Antonio, Padua, mentioned in 1445 by Michele Sa- vonarola as a marvel of art, were destroyed in 1500. He also painted the Madonna del Pilastro on one of the pillars of the same church. Two pictures attributed to him in Brera, Milan : one, Madonna with Saints, is in the manner of Turn ; the other, Madonna Enthroned between Saints, is rather attrib- utable to Rondinello. C. & C., N. Italy, i. 528; Vasari, ed. Le Mon., v. 179 ; ed. Mil., iii. 407 ; Lanzi, iii. 189 ; Ch. Blanc, tfcole ferraraise. STEFANO DI GIOVANNI, first half of 15th century. Sienese school ; commonly known as Sassetta. He imitated the formal arrangement, painful minuteness of out- lines, and the softer curves of draperies which distinguish Ugolino and Segua. The Birth of the Virgin, in the sacristy of the Duomo at Asciano, the Madonna with Saints (1436), in the Osservanza outside Siena, and a similar one, in S. Domenico, Cortona, are by him. C. & C., Italy, iii. 74. STEFANO DA VERONA. See Stefano da Zevio. STEFANO DA ZEVIO, the elder, flour- ished in latter part of 14th century. Veron- ese school ; painted frescos in the choir of tli e Basilica of S. Zevio, Verona ; Crucifixion, near the door of the sacristy there ; Madonna Enthroned (fresco), over an altar in the church at Illasi. Bernascoui, 220. STEFANO DA ZEVIO, the younger, born at Zevio, near Verona, in 1393, died in 1450. Veronese school ; called also Ste- fano da Verona. He was the contemporary and perhaps pupil of Vittor Pisano, but he was far from equalling him in grace, draw- ing, and expression. He is praised by Va- sari, but the examples he has left show that he followed in the beaten track of the min- iaturists, and cared more for minute finish than for drawing and modelling. Works : Fresco, Madonna and Saints, Casa Sona, Verona ; Prophets, etc., over small door, S. Eufemia, Verona ; Adoration of the Magi (1435), Brera, Milan. C. & C., N. Italy, i. 458 ; Vasari, ed. Le Mon., vi. 86 ; Lanzi, ii. 88 ; Bernasconi, 226. sti