Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/297

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TANCREDI flower painter, pupil of Theodor van Soesten and Johann Pfeiffer. Studied in Borne un- der Mario Nuzzi, and when called to Vienna painted for the imperial court, in the style of Jan Weenix and Melchior Hondecoeter. Works : Flower-Piece, Flowers and Fruits (3), Dead Game and Dog (1706), Poultry and Rabbit, Huntsmen with Booty, Muse- um, Vienna ; Flower- and Fruit-Pieces (1715 [3]), Dead Fowl (1706 [2]), Dead Game (1707, 1716 [2J, 1717), nine others, Liech- tenstein Gallery, ib. ; Doves, Hen with Chickens, Dead Woodcock and other Birds, Pheasants and Dove, Dresden Gallery ; Turkish Duck attacked by Fox (1718), Dead Fowls (2), Turtle Doves Feeding, Fruit- Pieces (2, one dated 1712), Gotha Muse- um ; Fruit-Piece, Germanic Museum, Nu- remberg ; Dead Birds (2, 1705), two others, Schleissheim Gallery ; Doves Billing (1724), Schwerin Gallery. Kugler (Crowe), ii. 533 ; Wurzbach, xliii. 37. TANCREDI, RAFFAELE, born at Re- sina, near Naples, in 1838. History painter, pupil of Mancinelli in Naples ; went in 1869 to Florence, where he competed for the first historical prize. Order of Italian Crown. Works : Camoens with his Negro in Prison ; Buoso da Duero insulted by his Fellow- Citizens (1868), bought by the State ; Ad- miral Caracciolo hanged by Order of Nelson, King of Italy ; Ferdinand IV. of Naples re- turning from the Chase. Mailer, 515. TANNHAUSER AND VENUS, Otto Knille, National Gallery, Berlin ; canvas, H. 8 ft. 10 in. X 9 ft. 3 in. ; signed, dated 1873. Tannhiiuser, the minnesinger, hav- ing become sated with pleasure during his visit to the Venusberg, determines, notwith- standing the entreaties of Venus, to return to Lisaura, whose love he had won at Man- tua. He is represented as starting up from the flower-strewn couch in the crystal grotto, with one hand on his lyre and the other pressing his forehead, while Venus, rising nude from her draperies, endeavours to detain him by seizing his shoulder ; above, two cupids hold him by his mantle ; at left, one shoots an arrow at Tannhiiuser, while another gazes reproachfully, and in front a fifth has rolled off the couch ; in the background, all manner of enchanting splen- dours. TARAVAL, HUGUES, born in Paris in 1728, died there, Oct. 19, 1785. History painter, son and pupil of Thomas Raphael Taraval (portrait painter to King of Sweden, died at Stockholm in 1750). He won the 1st prix de Rome in 1756 ; member of Academy, 1769 ; professor, 1785 ; sub-in- spector of the Gobelins. Works : Job re- proached by his Wife (1756), Marseilles Museum ; Venus and Adonis (1765), Comte de Kreutz ; Repast of Tantalus (1767), Cha- teau de Belle- Vue ; Triumph of Bacchus (1769), Gallery of Apollo, Louvre, Paris ; Marriage of St. Louis (1773), Chapel of Ecole Militaire ; Triumph of Amphitrite (1777), Louvre; Cumsean Sibyl (1781), Chapel of Fontainebleau ; Artist's Portrait, Stockholm Museum. Bellier, ii. 541. TARDIEU, JEAN CHARLES, called Cochin, born in Paris, Sept. 3, 1765, died there, April 3, 1830. History painter, son of Jacques Nicolas Tardieu (engraver, 1716- 91), and pupil of J. B. Regnault. Won 2d grand prix de Rome in 1790. Works : Tarquin and Lucretia (1793) ; Death of Correggio (1806) ; Napoleon receiving the Queen of Prussia at Tilsit (1808), Henry IV. before Paris, Halt of French Army at Syene in Egypt, Versailles Museum ; Allegory on Birth of Due de Bordeaux (1822), Rouen Museum ; Trophenius and Agameda, Be- sancon Museum ; Ulysses recognized by Euryclea, Marseilles Museum ; Susanna at the Bath, Havre Museum. Bellier, ii. 543. TARQUIN AND LUCRETIA. See Lu- re tia. TASSAERT, JAN PETER, born at Ant- werp, March 7, 1651, died there, Sept. 29, 1725. Flemish school ; history and genre painter, Master of the guild in 1690, dean in 1701. For the guild room of the dia- mond polishers he painted eight scenes from the lives of SS. Peter and PauL Li 253