Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/298

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TASSAERT the Antwerp Museum is a capital genre scene: The Philosophers. Cat. du Mus. d'Anvers, 379 ; Van den Branclen, 1037. TASSAEET, (NICOLAS FRANgOIS) OCTAVE, born in Paris, July 26, 1800, died there, by sui- cide, April 22, 1874. History and portrait painter, pupil of Pierre Girard, Guil- lon Lethiere, and of the Ecole des Beaux Arts. Medals: 2d class, 1838; 1st class, 1849 ; 3d class, Exposition universelle, 1855. Works : Death of Correggio (1834) ; Vicar of Wakefield (1835) ; Death of Heloise (1838) ; Diana at the Bath (1842) ; Christ in the Garden of Olives (1844) ; Erigone, Slave Merchant (184G) ; Temptation of St. Anthony (1849) ; Unhappy Family (1849), Luxembourg Museum ; Gardens of Armida (1850); Communion of Early Christians in Catacombs (1852), Bordeaux Museum ; Sleep of Jesus, Son of Louis XVI. in the Temple (1855) ; Magdalen, Pygmalion and Galatea (1857) ; Funeral of Dagobert in St. Denis (1838), Louis X., Portrait of Gaspard de Saulx, do. of Charles le Blanchefort, do. of Philippe de Comines, Versailles Muse- um ; Heaven and Hell (1850), Artist's Por- trait, Ariadne, Convalescent Mother, Young Woman with Glass of Wine, Painter's Studio, Suicide, Return of Prodigal Son, and others, Montpellier Museum. Alexandre Dumas lias forty-five of Tassaert's pictures anc sketches, and many others are owned in Paris. Clare tie, Peintres, etc. (1882), i. 25 Bellier, ii. 544; Gaz. des B. Arts (1886) xxxiii. 28. TASSI, AGOSTINO, born in Perugia in 1566, died in Rome in May, 1644. Roman school. Real name Buonamiei, but adoptee' that of the Marquis Tassi, whose page h< had been ; pupil of Paul Brill, under whose care he became an excellent landscape painter. He was a man of infamous char xcter, who paid the penalty of his crimes n the galleys at Leghorn ; when the part if his sentence condemning him to hard abour had been remitted, he soon made limself known throughout Italy as a paint- of marine views. After his liberation he was employed in painting frescos in the Quirinal and in the Palazzo de' Lancel- otti. Tassi was the master of Claude Lor-

ain. Lanzi, i. 484 ; Ch. Blanc, Ecole om-

jrienne. TATKELEFF, VOGISNT, born in Rus- sia, about 1813. Battle painter, son of a serf in the Borissov Government ; attracted

>y his sketches the attention of his mas-

ter, who educated him, but was forced by lie successor in the estate into the army, where he served fifteen years ; in 1854 took part in the Crimean War ; drudged for his livelihood until 1870, when a tourist, who saw his sketch-book, induced him to paint some pictures for the Exposition in Moscow in 1873. These, which represented scenes in the Crimean War, brought him into prom- inence, and they were bought for 60,000 rubles for the Winter Palace of St. Peters- burg. TATTEGRAIN, FRANCIS, born at Pe- ronne (Somme) ; contemporary. Genre and portrait painter, and engraver ; pupil of C. Crauck, Lepic, Jules Lefebvre, and Bou- langer. Medals : 2d class, Paris and Mu- nich, in 1883. Works : Herring Fishing, Coup d'epaule (1879) ; Return from Fish- ing (1880) ; Femme aux epaves, Artist's Portrait (1881) ; We are Lost, Landing the Herrings (1882) ; The Mourners at Etaples (1883) ; Convalescent (1884). TATJNAY, NICOLAS ANTOENE, born in Paris, Feb. 10, 1755, died there, March 20, 1830. History and landscape painter, pupil of Brenet, Casanova, and Lepicie. Won grand prix de Rome in 1784, and spent three years there with the help of his patron, M. Angiviller. Won grand medal, and became member of Academy in 1796. Medal, 1803; L. of Honour; Order of Christ in Portugal. In 1816 he went with 264