Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/353

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TROOST Museum ; St. James, St. Philip, Christ and the Adulteress, Solomon's Judgment, Salz- burg Museum ; Solomon's Idolatry, Abi- gail, Christ aiid St. John as Children, Cor- pus Christi, Ferdinandeum, Innsbruck ; St. Francis in Prayer, Hermannstadt Gallery ; Many altarpieces and fresco paintings in churches at Vienna, Salzburg, and in abbeys of Lower and Upper Austria ; Portraits of Imperial Family, of Raphael and Mathias Donner. Tyrol. K. Lex., 252 ; Wurzbach, xlvii. 227. TROOST, CORNELIS, born in Amster- dam, Oct. 8, 1697, died there, March 7, 1750. Dutch school; genre and portrait painter, pupil of Arnold Boonen, but owed his development principally to his own studies after good masters and from life. Excelled in genre, guard-house, and private-life scenes, and in illustrations of plays of the time. Painted chiefly in gouache and pastel. Was called the Dutch Hogarth. Works : Portrait Group of Four Children with an Ape (1723), Regents' Piece with Six Portraits (1724), do. with Eight (1729), Anatomy Lesson (1728), Three Mem- bers of Surgeons' Guild (1731), Alexander the Great in Battle on the Granicus (1737), Artist's Portrait (2), Amsterdam Museum ; Portraits of Man and Wife (1744), Haarlem Museum ; Nine Scenes from Dutch Comedies (1737-41), Five Convivial Scenes (1739-40), Epiphany Singers, Love Song (1745), Ar- tist's Portrait (1745), Hague Museum ; Ly- ing-in Room in Holland, Rotterdam Muse- um ; Victory of Constantino over Maxentius, Naval Battle, Bamberg Gallery ; Eating his Breakfast (1740), Schwerin Gallery. Ch. Blanc, Ecole hollaudaise ; Burger, Musues, i. 285 ; Immerzeel, iii. 144 ; Kramm, vi. 1644. TROOSTWYCK, WOUTER JOANNES VAN, born at Amsterdam in 1782, died there in 1810. Landscape, animal, and por- trait painter, pupil of Juriaan Andriessen (1742-1819), but studied chiefly from nat- ure, and was much influenced by tho mas- ters of the 17th century, notably by Potter. Works : Landscapes in Gelderland (2), Am- sterdam Museum ; Landscape with Animals, Rotterdam Museum. Immerzeel, iii. 146 ; Kramm, vi. 1648. TROTTER, NEWBOLD HOUGH, born in Philadelphia, Pa., Jan. 4, 1827. Animal painter ; had no special mastei-, though ho derived aid and instruction from William T. van Starkenborg, cattle painter, at The Hague ; studied chiefly from nature in this country. Has painted in Boston and in Phil- adelphia, where his studio now is. Works : The Fading Race (1877), owned in London ; Wounded Bison pursued by Wolves, Tho Last Stand, After the Combat, Grizzly Bears on the March, Indian Camp near Powder River, painted for Gen. William T. Sherman for War Department, Washington ; Bison Fighting, Herd of Elk in Winter, A. Padel- ford, Philadelphia ; Pictures (3) represent- ing progress of transportation in Pennsyl- vania during fifty years, Henry H. Houston, Pennsylvania Railroad ; Fifty Years Ago, El Mahdi (lion asleep), In tho Soudan (lion and lioness), owned in Philadelphia ; Jersey Beauties (1880) ; Elk and Twins, Rocks at Newport (1881) ; September (1883) ; Victo- rious (1886) ; Range of the Bison (1887). TROTTI, GIOVANNI BATTISTA, Cava- liere, born in Cremona in 1555, died after 1607. Lombard school ; called II Malosso because when Agostino Carracci painted in competition with him, at Parma, he said that ho had found a hard bone (mal osso) to crack. Favourite pupil of Bernardino Campi, whoso niece he married and of whom ho became the heir. Studied also Correggio and Ber- nardo Gatti, whose manner ho exaggerated. He had a rich imagination and great facility of execution, and painted many works for churches in Cremona, Piacenza, and Parma. His most noted works are frescos in the Palazzo del Giordino, and in the cupola of 301