Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/354

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TEOY S. Abondio, Parma, and Entombment, Bre- i-a, Milan. His nephew, Cavaliere Euclide Trotti, was his pupil and imitator. He was convicted of high treason when young, and is said to have died of poison in prison. Lanzi, ii. 445 ; Ch. Blanc, cole lombarde ; Lavice, 154. TROY, FRANgOIS DE, born at Tou- louse in February, 1654, died in Paris, May 1, 1730. French school ; history and por- trait painter, son and pupil of Nicolas de Troy (portrait painter at Toulouse in 17th century) and brother of Jean de Troy (his- tory and portrait painter at Toulouse, born 1640, died 17 ) ; pupil also of Nicolas Loir and of Claude Lefebvre. Member of Academy in 1674, professor in 1693, direc- tor in 1708, and adjunct-rector in 1722. Works : Portraits of Duchesse d'Orleans, Jules Mansart, and Nicolas Belle, Versailles Museum ; Bathsheba, Angers Museum ; Woman and Child, Grenoble Museum ; Woman Reading, Marseilles Museum ; Ariad- ne and Bacchus, Montpellier Museum ; Por- trait of Duchesse de Maine, (Moans Muse- um ; Nunc Dimittis, Assumption, Ascen- sion, Kouen Museum ; Magdalen, Dream of St. Joseph, Guardian Angel, Toulouse Mu- seum ; Parting of Hector and Andromache, Troyes Museum ; Portrait of Due de Maine (1716), Dresden Museum. Bellier, ii. 597. TEOY, JEAN FRANgOIS DE, born in Paris, baptized Jan. 27, 1679, died in Rome, Jan. 26, 1752. French school ; genre painter, son and pupil of Franyois de Troy. Having failed to gain the prix de Rome (1702) his father sent him at his own expense to Italy, where he was pensioned by the king, for three or four years, and divided his time between work and amusement un- til he was forced to return home in 1706. Member of Academy, 1708 ; assistant pro- fessor, 1716 ; professor, 1719 ; in 1727 he shared with Lemoine a prize competed for by members of the Academy ; in 1737 he was appointed secretary to the king, and in 1738 director of the French Academy at Rome. Prince of the Academy of St. Luke. Works : Henri IV. holding the First Chap- ter of the Order of the Holy Ghost (1732), Swooning of Esther (1737), Toilet of Es- ther (1738), Male Portraits (2), Louvre; Portrait of Marquis de Marignan, two others, Besan9on Museum ; Pilate washing his Hands, Dijon Museum ; Apollo and Diana destroying the Children of Niobe, Montpellier Museum ; Diana at the Bath, Nancy Museum ; Punishment of Psyche, and others, Nimes Museum ; Portrait of Abbe Desfriches, Orleans Museum ; do. of Duchesse de la Force, Rouen Museum ; Plague of Marseilles, Marseilles Museum ; Martyrdom of St. Stephen, Christ in the Garden, Chapel of St. Suaire, Besanjon ; Lady at Breakfast in a Park (1723), Berlin r^y * Museum ; Lot and I rOy his Daughters, Su- sanna and the Elders (2), Portrait of Ar- tist's Wife, Hermit- age, St. Petersburg. Bellier, ii. 597 ; Ch. Blanc, ficole franjaise ; Jal, 1207 ; Vil- lot, Cat. Louvre ; Lejeune, Guide, i. 350 ; Wurzbach, 17. TROY, WAR OF, ancient pictures of. See Calliphon, Cleanthes, Polygnotus, Theodorus. TROY, WAR OF, Peter Cornelius and assistants, Glyptothek, Munich ; frescos on ceiling and walls of the Trojan Hall (Tro- janischer Saal). Ceiling : Centre picture, circular, Marriage of Peleus and Thetis, painted by Schlotthauer ; around this, in a circle, are stucco reliefs, by Schwanthaler, of the twelve great gods and goddesses of Greece. Beyond these are four pictures of similar shape and size : Judgment of Paris, Marriage of Menelaus and Helen, Rape of Helen, Sacrifice of Iphigenia, all painted 302