Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/366

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UBERTI UBERTI. See Fariwto. UBERTINI, FRANCESCO, called Bacchiacca, born in Florence, March 1, 1494, died there, Oct. 5, 1557. Floren- tine school ; called after his father, Frances- co d' Ubertino ; family name, Verdi. His- tory painter, pupil of Pietro Perugino and of Francia Bigio ; further developed under the influence of Andrea del Sarto ; visited Rome, probably after 1524 ; excelled in pict- ures with numerous small figures. Works : Baptism of Christ, Berlin Museum ; The Three Pretenders to the Throne, Dresden Gallery. Vasari, ed. Mil., vi. 454. UCCELLI or UCCELLO, PAOLO, born in Florence in 1396-97, died there, Dec. 11, 1475. Florentine school ; real name Paolo Doni or di Dono, but called Uccello from his fondness for painting birds. Appren- tice of Lorenzo Ghiberti the sculptor, who began his career as a painter. Paolo de- voted himself to the study of perspective with passionate fervour, and like Mantegna, whom he knew at Padua, pushed its use to the verge of excess. He drew with a hardness of line which shows familiarity with sculpture, but his studies are corrected by the study of nature ; and though his works show the crudeness of early art, they had a very great influence upon his contem- poraries and successors. In his frescos in S. Maria Novella, Florence, principally sub- jects from Genesis, he imitated bas-relief by the use of dead colour and by the distribu- tion of the scenes into distinct parts with in given spaces. Of easel pictures by him there remain three out of four panels rep- resenting battle scenes one in the Louvre, one in the Uffizi, Florence, and one in the National Gallery, London; the last, The Bat- tle of St. Egidio. In the Louvre is also a portrait group, and in the Duomo, Florence, a portrait of the English Condottiere, Sir John Hawkwood, painted about 1436. The pictures attributed to Uccelli in the Munich and Prato Galleries are not genuine. C. & C., Italy, ii. 283 ; Vasari, ed. Le Mon., iii. 87 ; ed. Mil., ii. 203 ; Burckhardt, 494, 536, 576, 622 ; Ch. Blanc, l5cole florentine ; Gaye, Carteggio, i. 146. TJCHTERVELT. See Ochteruelt. UDEN, LUCAS VAN, born in Antwerp, Oct. 18, 1595, died there, Nov. 4, 1672. Flem- ish school ; land- scape painter, son and probably pupil of Artus van Uden (master of Antwerp guild in 1587, died in 1627-28); devel- oped under the influence of Rubens, in whose pictures, as well as in those of Ten- iers, he often painted the backgrounds, while both masters supplied his landscapes with figures. Master of the guild in 1626- 27. Van Dyck painted his portrait. "Works : Mountainous Landscape, Rocky do. with Hebe and Jupiter's Eagle (figures by Jor- daens), Madrid Museum ; Rape of Proser- pine, Ceres and Cyane, Louvre ; Landscape in picture by Teniers, Brussels Museum ; View of St. Bernard's Abbey, Mill, Land- scape with Figures, Antwerp Museum ; Five Female Figures in a Landscape, Apollo, Marsyas and Midas, Aschaffenburg Gallery ; Castle on High Rock, Brunswick Gallery ; Hilly Landscape (figures by Teniers the elder), Berlin Museum ; Woodland Scene (with figures by Teniers), Christiania Gal- lery ; Landscape with River (1656), two Landscapes with figures by Teniers, one with figures by Pieter Bout, five others, Dresden Gallery ; Landscape at Sunset, Feast of the Gods before a Grotto, Old Pinakothek, Munich ; Landscape with fig- ures by Teniers, two others, Hermitage, St. Petersburg; Banquet of the Gods, Christ on Lake of Tiberias, -J^y VDEfl '650- Landscapes (4), / ,&/ O 7 Liechtenstein Gal- LvUL^Van l/#gft lery, Vienna ; others in Cassel, Darmstadt, Frankfort (2), Schleissheim, and Veiinar 310