Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/367

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UDINE (2). Cat. Antwerp Mus. ; Ch. Blanc, Ecole flamande ; Kramm, vi. 1654 ; Kugler (Crowe), ii. 299 ; Michiels, viii. 180 ; Rooses (Reber), 263 ; Van den Brandon, 687. UDINE, GIOVANNI DA. See Giovanni da Udine. UDINE, GIOVANNI DI MARTINI DA. See Giovanni di Martini da Udine. UDINE, MARTINO DA. See Pellegrino da San Daniele. UFFENBACH, PHTLTPP, born in Frank- fort in 1570, died in 1640. German school ; history and portrait painter, pupil of Adam Grimmer ; formed himself after the old German masters, and was the teacher of Adam Els- heimer. Works : Ascension (1599), City Hall, Frank- fort ; Annunciation (1600), Vienna Museum. Nagler, six. 212. UGGIONE or UGLONE. See Oggione, Marco d". UGOLINO, Sir Joshua Reynolds, Earl Amherst, Knole Park, England. Sub- ject from Dante's " Divina Commedia." Count Ugo- lino della Gherardesca, who had betrayed the Pisans in their struggle with the Gen- ways followed the manner of Cimabue rather than that of Giotto. No authentic picture by him is left in Italy, but an altarpiece in seven compartments, executed for S. Croce, Florence, afterwards in the Ottley Collection, England, and now scattered among private owners, shows a colour and technical ex- ecution like those of Duccio and Simone. A colossal Madonna, in the tabernacle of Or San Michele, formerly supposed to be his work, is more Florentine than Sienese in style. The wonder-working Madonna, which he painted on a pilaster of the origi- nal granary which Orcagna transformed into oese, was overcome in 1288 Ugolino, Sir Joshua Reynolds, Earl Amherst, Knole Park, England. by the Archbishop Ruggie- ro Ubaldini, and imprisoned, with his sons and grandsons, in Pisa in the Gualandi tower (afterwards called Torre di fame, Fam- ine Tower) and left to starve to death. Painted in 1773 ; sold to Duke of Dorset for 400 guineas. Engraved by J. Dixon ; A. Raimbach. Art Journal (I860), 359 ; Northcote, i. 278 ; Beechey, i. 196. UGOLINO DA SIENA, 13th and 14th century, died in 1339 (?). Sienese school ; probably identical with Ugolino Neri, who appears in Sienese documents in 1317. Dis- ciple of Duccio. Vasari says he painted many pictures and decorated various chapels in different parts of Italy ; and that he al- a church, probably perished in the fire of 1370. A Betrayal of Christ, and a Proces- sion to Calvary, are in the National Gallery, London. C. & C., Italy, ii. 53 ; Vasari, ed. Le Mon., ii. 20 ; ed. Mil, i. 453 ; W. & W., i. 433. UGRUMOFF, GREGOR IVANOVICH, born about 1764, died in 1825. History and genre painter, pupil of Lossenko, after- wards professor and rector of St. Petersburg Academy. Works : Conquest of Kasan, Accession to the Throne of the Romanoff Family, Hermitage, St. Petersburg. UHDE, FRITZ, born at Wolkenburg, ! Saxony, May 22, 1848. History and genre 811