Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/534

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YOUTH gold medal and the title of professor. Med- [ Children ; Judith praying before her Deed, al, Vienna, 1873. Works : Girl on the Alp ; I Cotta's Kunstbl. (1831, 1832) ; Immer- Smugglers ; Wedding Procession in the Mountains ; The Best Shot ; Prize Bull ; Eeturn from Rural Festival. Miiller, 570. YOUTH, FOUNTAIN OF, Lucas Cranach, elder, Berlin Museum ; wood, H. 4 f t. x 6 ft.; signed, dated 1546. In the centre a water-basin, from which rises a fountain with a statue of Venus and Love ; on one side old men are bringing, on waggons, Young Bull, Paul Potter, Hague Museum. wheelbarrows, and stretchers, their aged and ugly wives, and dumping them into the water-basin, on the opposite side of which they are emerging as young and comely maidens, who are led away by knights to a tent where a feast and a dance await them. Sclmchardt, ii. 18 ; Jul. Meyer, D. konigl. Mus. Gemalde, 99. YSENDYCK, ANTONIUS VAN, born in Antwerp, Jan. 26,1801. History, genre, and portrait painter, pupil of Mattheus van Bree ; obtained the grand prize in 1823, spent four years in Italy and ten years in Paris ; be- came director of the Academy at Bergen in 1840. Member of Amsterdam (1828) and Antwerp (1829) Academies. Medals : Paris, 1840 ; Brussels, 1842. Order of Leopold. Works : Ecce Homo (1828) ; Group from the Deluge, Italian Robber Scene (1830); Sons of Roman Mother (1832) ; Jealousy (1833); Charity (1840); Christ and the zeel, iii. 255. YUNK, ENRICO, born in Turin about 1849, died in Pisa, Nov. 18, 1878. Genre painter, pupil of Turin Academy, then in Paris of Gerome and of Picot ; after his re- turn painted chiefly rural scenes, went to Constantinople, afterwards to Spain and settled in Rome, but soon left for Cairo and finally moved to Pisa. Works : Cana- vese Nurse, Canavese Washer- woman ; Scenes from Turin Theatre. L' Illustr. italiana (1878), No. 48. YVON, ADOLPHE, born at Eschwiller, Lorraine, Feb. 1, 1817. History and portrait painter, pupil of Delaroche. Went to Russia in 1843 and was sent to the Crimea to paint the incidents of the war. Medals : 1st class, 1848 ; 2d class, 1855 ; of honour, 1857 ; 2d class, 1867 ; L. of Honour, 1855 ; Officer, 1867. Profes- sor at the Ecole des B. Arts. Works : Christ driving out the Money Changers (1845) ; Punishment of Judas Is- cariot in Hell (1846) ; Battle of Koulikoro in 1378 (1850) ; Fallen Angel, Party of La- dies (1852) ; First Consul descending Mt. St. Bernard (1853), Palace of Compiegne ; Marshal Ney during Retreat from Russia (1855), Capture of the Malakoff (1857), Gorge of the Malakoff, Curtain of the Malakoff (1859), Versailles Museum ; Battle of Solferino, Portrait of the Prince Imperial (1861) ; Portrait of Na- poleon HI. (1868), W. T. Walters, Balti- more ; From Solferino (1863), Battle of In- kerman (1867), Genius of America (H. 22 458