Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/535

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ZACHARIAH ft. x 35 ft.), Small Replica (1867), A. T. Stew- art Collection, New York ; Street in Con- stantinople, State Secrets (1873) ; Countess of Caen, Caen Museum ; Charge of Cuiras- siers at Reichsoffen (1875); Christian Legend (1882). Bellier, iL 729 ; Perrier, Eludes ; Larousse ; Hamerton, French Painters. ZACHARIAH, Michelangelo, Sistine Chapel, Rome ; fresco on ceiling. ZACHARIE, PHILIPPE ER- NEST, born at Radepont (Eure) ; contem- porary. Figure painter, pupil of Guillemot andMorin. Medal : 3d class, 1883. Works: Tin vieux bouquiniste (1875) ; Field Flow- ers, Evening of Epiphany (1876) ; Punish- ment of Caiaphas (1877) ; Good Samaritan (1878) ; St. Jerome, Woman with Pigeons (1883) ; Irene and Sebastian (1884) ; Even- ing in the Grove (1886). ZACHO, CHRISTIAN, born near Grenaa, Denmark, March 31, 1843. Landscape paint- er, pupil at Aarhus of the animal painter Goldberg (born in 1807), then of the Copen- hagen Academy ; began to exhibit in 1865, went to Italy in 1872, and visited Paris in 1875-76, and again in 1878. The winter of 1881-82 he spent at Meutone. Medal : Copenhagen, 1884. Works : First Snow in Brittany (1881), Copenhagen Gallery ; Woodland Scene, Coast Promenade near Copenhagen (1881) ; View in Deer Park (1882). Sig. Miiller, 373. ZACHTLEVEN. See &z/<-Leven. ZAGANELLI, FRANCESCO, of Raven- na, born at Cotignola latter half of the 15th century, died after 1518. Bolognese school. Sometimes called Francesco da Cotignola. Pupil of Roudinello, but also connected with school of Palmezzano. His Madonna and Saints, Brera, Milan, dated 1505, shows little talent ; but his St. Sebastian of 1513, Constabili Gallery, Ferrara, and his Madon- na with portraits of the Pallavicini family of 1518, in the Church of the Nunziata, near Parma, show greater skill in arrangement and better drawing. In the Berlin Museum is an Annunciation (1509). Francesco had a brother Bernardino, sometimes called Bernardino da Cotignola, who was probably his assistant, with no claim to rank as an independent artist. C. & C., N. Italy, i. 596 ; Ch. Blanc, ficole bolonaise ; Siret, 566. ZAHRTMANN, KRISTIAN, born at Ronne, Denmark, March 31, 1843. Genre and portrait painter, pupil of Copenhagen Academy in 1864-68 ; went to Italy in 1875, studying in Rome and Siena until 1878, and again in 1882 on his way to Greece, whence he returned in 1884. Medal : Copenhagen, 1873. Works : Leonore Christine in Prison (1871); Christian H and Sigbrit settling Accounts, Scene at Court of Christian YD. (1873) ; Leonore Christine leaving her Prison (1874) ; Roman Fruit Shop, Abbate Asleep (1876) ; Sabiue Woman by Child's Cradle (1877) ; Orange Harvest, The Wise and Foolish Virgins, Fruit-Vender of Amalfi (1878) ; Flower Girl of Florence (1880) ; Leonore Christine at Maribo Convent, Death of Queen Sophie Amalie (1882), Copenha- gen Gallery ; Scene from Rome's Period of Decline ; Women carrying Lime (1883) ; Italian Family Scene. Sig. Midler, 378. ZAMACOIS, EDUARDO, born at Bilbao in 1842, died in Madrid, Jan. 14, 1871. Genre painter, pupil at Bilbao of Balaco, then of Madrid Academy under Federico de Madrazo, and in Paris of Meissouier ; treated seventeenth century subjects with great suc- cess. Medals : Paris, 1867 ; Munich, 1870. Works : Enlisting of Cervantes, Diderot and d'Alembert (1863) ; Conscripts in Spain (1864) ; Entrance of the Toreros (with Vi- bert), First Sword (1866) ; Buffoon of the Sixteenth Century, Indirect Contribution, Jester of the Sixteenth Century (1867) ; Good Pastor (1869) ; Platonic Love, Educa- tion of a Prince (1870). Works in United States : Faust and Marguerite, H. P. Kid- der, Boston ; Waiting for an Audience, R. C. Taft, Providence ; Rival Confessors (1868), J. J. Astor, New York ; Message, M. Graham, ib.; Costume Shop, T. R Butr 459