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Hare Hunting,

ſcent, and at laſt [1] ſtart the Hare, and purſue her in full cry.

The perſon who ſtands at the nets gives a particular hollow, to ſignify whether ſhe runs into them, or eſcapes by going beyond them, or turning ſhort. If ſhe is taken, they try for another; if not, they continue to purſue her, following the inſtructions already given.

But, when the dogs are tired with running, and it begins to be late in the day, it will be neceſſary for the Huntſman himſelf to look for the Hare, ſhe being nearly run down; and he muſt leave nothing unexplored that the earth produces, leſt he ſhould miſs of her, for the animal will lie very cloſe, and not get up, both from fear and fatigue. And he ſhould bring the dogs forward, encouraging the timid ones much, the eager ones little, and thoſe between theſe extremes moderately, till they kill her by overtaking her, or drive her into the nets.

  1. This is from her quat.